Release notes Tekla Base Tools 16.0.013

Last modified by Dennis Knudsen on 2021/09/06 09:09


New: The cast in materials are exported with coordinates (in the element coordinate system) for Hollowcore. (Case 105213)
New: Tekla Base tools can now import Plinths in IMPACT. (Case 105144)
New: New option for adding parts as CIM from Tekla. (Case 103419)


Fix: Special case, where some slabs were losing their properties after updating them. (Case 106059)
Fix: Drawing name and revision was overwrite with an updated import. (Case 106232)
Fix: CIM were "changed by" Tekla user in the common folder when imported in IMPACT through Tekla Base Tools. (Case 103698)

Created by Dennis Knudsen on 2021/09/06 09:09
Copyright 2024 StruSoft AB