IMPACT Q3 Release
New: Add a new setting to control the scale of the Lineup endcap view. (Case 132215)
New: Export Reinforcement Groups to PXML. (Case 131205)
New: Reinforcement weight should be included in the element's total weight and the reinforcement volume should reduce the concrete volume. (Case 90242)
New: A new option called "Yes, Barmesh Only" in the "Rotation Height Barmesh" - Yes will now rotate the element and Barmesh. (Case 133920)
New: A warning has been added if the C value is larger than 0 but less than 10. (Case 133835)
New: Changed layer colors in the insulation planning file. (Case 134236)
New: Improvements of reinforcement text in beam/column sections, including the use of text groups. (Case 79667)
New: Place Specification block on drawings of type BL, PLAN, ELEV, and RDEF if they have a block defined. (Case 133716)
New: Possibility to filter the Unitechnik-export by the latest revision date. (Case 132836)
New: Possibility to show elevation sections for Double Tees. (Case 133150)
New: Set mass and material on cast in materials. (Case 132768)
Fix: Title in the update dialog changes. (Case 133793)
Fix: A special case where the mesh for a declining element was not drawn all the way in the section. (Case 134409)
Fix: All endcaps are visible in other endcaps and they are not restricted to the thickness. (Case 134045)
Fix: Column corbels had "extra" lines. (Case 134425)
Fix: Distribution line is disconnected from all bars when bars are converted to Reinforcement group even if not all bars that are connected to the distribution line is converted, (Case 134944)
Fix: Draw CIM connected to surface connects to the surface when the snap point is outside of the element. (Case 133928)
Fix: Extra lines were displayed in reinforcement view. (Case 134189)
Fix: Fixed an issue when joining a straight bar with a bended bar. (Case 134278)
Fix: Fixed the issue where the other endcaps for insulated walls could be mirrored. (Case 134067)
Fix: Identical reinforcement groups were numbered as unique, now, the user has to specify the rotation of the reinforcement group when they convert bars to reinforcement group. (Case 133956)
Fix: in project lineup for endcap, where endcap name collided with the dimension lines of the endcap. (Case 133355)
Fix: Minor fix for bars with distribution lines in detail sections. (Case 133489)
Fix: Mirror wall didn't mirror some linear cim correct. (Case 133861)
Fix: Order Name for PXML - Project_Element Mark_Element ID_Reinforcement. (Case 133828)
Fix: Possibility to select element type for endcaps the first time you run "Edit recess". (Case 133297)
Fix: Reinforcement Follow up - Total mass is incorrect for Reinforcement Groups. (Case 133912)
Fix: Reinforcement mesh is not drawn in solid view for solid slab and prestressed slab. (Case 133963)
Fix: Resolved issue for when two specific endcaps were meeting. (Case 133991)
Fix: Section views changed position when taking MTO after user defined the origin. (Case 134193)
Fix: Special case where changing the slab definition through edit slab command didn't update the slab properly. (Case 133386)
Fix: Special case where draw recess command sets recess type to 'Unknown'. (Case 134330)
Fix: Special case where recess endcap lines where missing in the elevation view. (Case 134115)
Fix: Special case where Recess in beam shows wrong measurement in sections. (Case 134293)
Fix: Special case with bended mesh drawn with half-scale that wasn't saved correctly. (Case 134878)
Fix: Switching between wireframe and solid when editing slab caused the lift placing to be reset. (Case 134926)
Fix: Template was assigned to the cast in materials when connecting walls. (Case 134006)
Fix: The button drop-down for "Check producibility" in the Formslab ribbon wasn't of type "Split with recent". (Case 133648)
Fix: The vertical LCIM in column gave a wrong z-height. (Case 133949)
Fix: Unitechnik export - Incorrect error message when the DWG is missing. (Case 134080)
Fix: Vertical annotation line is not updated when drawing panel thickening.(Case 133447)
Fix: Wall contour disappeared when using 'remove' command. (Case 133959)
Fix: Wall was moved down when Split Wall Vertical was used on the elevation if the wall had an incline bottom. (Case 133385)
Fix: where multiple MEP keys dim line grouping was not working as intended. (Case 133523)
Fix: where Trim/extend for slabs were not working as intended. (Case 133879)
Cost Estimation
Fix: were calculating cost did not work as intended based on fixed prices. (Case 133296)
IMPACT Project Manager
New: "Highlight element in model" is added in the find element function in IMPACT Project Manager. The element will be highlighted, and the view will be zoomed-in to fit the element. (Case 49037)
New: "Newest change notes" added to the start screen. (Case 133148)
New: Add one more decimal in the Quantities of the CIM in the Export->Byggelement to ERPBOS. (Case 134331)
New: Change material on drawn pieces in the Insulation Planning Module. (Case 133376)
New: Create a rectangle helpline that can be edited to set up a size when the underlay drawing is missing in the Insulation Planning Module. (Case 133747)
New: Draw insulation from top of element with the array command in the Insulation Planning. (case 134030)
New: Element Color "Planned Erection Week". (Case 131602)
New: Enable specification on drawing types PLAN, RDEF, ELEV and BL if they have connected specification values assigned. (Case 133715)
New: For the Insulation Planning module make a distance between insulation pieces when drawing with the Rectangle Array command to fit lattice girders. (Case 133375)
New: For the insulation planning report a new alternative ELEMENT_INSULATION_PICTURE_LANDSCAPE to be used if you area to use for the overview picture is more wide than high. (Case 134404)
New: Highlight function under "Find Element". (Case 123950)
New: Import linked with drawings shall have the possibility to import drawings spec values to the drawing type other drawings. (Case 132018)
New: Reinforcement Group PXML and Unitechnik added to CRH Export. (Case 131916)
New: Replace function is now sorting by element mark name instead of the creation date. (Case 106397)
New: Send Additional thickness of panel for FormSlab and DoubleWall in the Byggelement to ERPBOS export. (Case 134059)
New: Tool to draw edge insulation around windows and doors in the insulation planning module. (Case 133746)
New: Log file for specific PM Activities. (Case 90518)
Fix: Approved Date no longer changes to today's date when drawings with different approved dates are open in properties. (Case 131490)
Fix: Special case where the dwl and dwl2 file didn't get deleted after the plot server where done plotting. (Case 130154)
Fix: The maximum planned production date is always on even if you do not have it selected.(Case 131877)
Fix: Not possible to select new elements by boxing them in while holding down Ctrl. (Case 133769)
Fix: Switching between Performance mode and Endcaps in openings causes crash. (Case 133925)
Fix: "Plot Completed" is now placed in the middle of the screen instead of the top left. (Case 127853)
Fix: "Reflection" removed. (Case 118901)
Fix: "Remove leading letters" in batch generate. (Case 106659)
Fix: a special case where geometry was not shown as intended. (Case 111326)
Fix: Adding Treatment in Dan Element Export. (Case 132997)
Fix: Can not use underscores in Copy element marks. (Case 133768)
Fix: Concrete volume for Double wall is not shown correct. (Case 134079)
Fix: Differ on both systems when using Plot Server. (Case 134277)
Fix: Error occurred while importing element mark. (Case 133953)
Fix: Error on dependencies when there were not invalid days in the database. (Case 133834)
Fix: Fillings with different depths are now shown correctly in the model viewer. (Case 133857)
Fix: Fixed an issue where the buildings and floors were added when import model data option was unchecked. (Case 133199)
Fix: If Server connect isn't started there is no warning when you start Project Manager. (Case 134001)
Fix: IMPACT Insulation planning checks if there are unsaved changes when clicking Load and then ask if the user wants to continue before loading and loosing all changes. (Case 133611)
Fix: Importing CIM's removed LCIM, Electric Box and Dym CIM. (Case 134351)
Fix: In the Insulation Planning module a piece where the corner is cut away is marked as a full piece which is not correct. (Case 133594)
Fix: Insulation Planning special case where the ELEMENT_INSULATION_PICTURE was missing from the printout. (Case 133979)
Fix: Max Prestress no longer shown as 0 in the column under the Element Ids tab if it should have a value. (Case 133865)
Fix: PDFs get synced on publish error resulting in an Old PDF in the Published zip. (Case 132918)
Fix: PM activated on "Completed dialogues". (Case 119502)
Fix: Program was hanging while erecting elements. (Case 134191)
Fix: Project Properties - BVBs Min/Max length is not removed (Case 133624)
Fix: Publish Default timeout error message. (Case 133927)
Fix: Realistic Shadows removed. (Case 118900)
Fix: Same layer colors as used in the insulation planning file should be used in the Insulation Planning module. (Case 133992)
Fix: Selecting element additional element while holing Ctrl. (Case 134003)
Fix: Selection commands shows all elements when they are isolated. (Case 133805)
Fix: Some slabs were not visible when detail level was set to "Fine". (Case 101691)
Fix: Special case where ctrl+shift did not select elements on the model view. (Case 133833)
Fix: special case where endcap was mirrored inwards in model viewer. (Case 126005)
Fix: Special case where some prestressed slabs were not visible in the model viewer. (Case 105492)
Fix: Special case where the panel thickening wasn't shown in the Model View. (Case 667792)
Fix: Special case where the slab was missing the geometry in the modelview. (Case 151500)
Fix: Special case where the slab was not visible in fine detail. (Case 122469)
Fix: Special case where the slabs where shown incorrect in modelview. (Case 106178)
Fix: Status color not applied for insulated walls. (Case 133441)
Fix: The elements with different status were shown when filtering by status. (Case 134206)
Fix: The First Plot Template changes "Merge" from "Single File" to "Drawing Name". (Case 133951)
Fix: The reinforcement mass was wrong in summary. (Case 134211)
Fix: Unchecked "Only Elements Ready For production" in UBAB XML to erpbos. (Case 133990)
Fix: Unitechnik dialog gets unchecked when changing status in publish. (Case 133560)
Fix: where Calculations where made accessible in project properties. (Case 131293)
Fix: where text in the top bar was not visible. (Case 133721)
Fix: Wrong rotation of the dimension text in the piece image. (Case 13367)
Fix: Fixed the issue where the strands were missing when renaming element marks. (Case 133622)
IMPACT Reinforcement
New: Change which Designation Style to use for bars that are connected to a text group so that they use the Dynamic Settings for the Text groups and not the one that are used for bars. (Case 133499)
Fix: Intangible standard error message of incorrect measure value.
Fix: Reinforcement Group PXML export now deletes old files on a new export. (133829)
Fix: The Cutlength was incorrectly changed when the graphical object for the acute angle stirrups was corrected for the intersection with the outer contour. (Case 134271)
Fix: The text rotation is now following ortho when that mode is on, so 0, 90, 180, 270. (Case 133898)
Fix: When multiple bars are edited simultaneously the Towards and Away symbols are now handled correctly. (Case 132962)
Report Tool
New: Exposure classes 1 & 2 were added to the Project Follow-up (18) (called Element Follow-up in resource manager). The fields EXPOSURE_CLASS_1 and EXPOSURE_CLASS_2 are added. (Case 132594)
New: Field "MATERIAL_VOLUME_TABLE_ALL_LAYERS" added to "Cast" Report. (Case 133962)
Fix: Fixed an issue in the Report type Packing list where the amount of reinforcement in primary and secondary was incorrect when multiple elements where printed. (Case 133469)
Fix: Fixed an issue where the endhook information was missing when printing Reinforcement follow up report. (Case 134084)
Fix: RC-Follow UP report and the variable MTO_SUPPRESS_DEFINITIONS. (Case 133913)
Fix: Reinforcement follow-up - jig radius removed for straight bars. (Case 134043)
Fix: where rounding for dynamic CIM was not accurate, updated rounding from 1 to 3 decimals for the sum calculation. (Case 134311)
Change: Add X_Project_Name added to the continuous tab for the Cast Calendar Report (49). (Case 133057)
Resource Manager
Fix: Cast Detailed View - issues with "Display scale" of more than 100%. (Case 130676)
Fix: Warning from rotated Hollowcores follow the element (Case 132479)
Fix: Current element control gets overwritten. (Case 134223)
Fix: Element History - "Changed" and "Changed by" is now shown when using "Isolate Changes". (Case 133573)
Fix: Filtering dates is not in the correct order. (Case 133706)
Fix: Limit for Element ID filter in Planning removed. (Case 133350)
Fix: Search in cast was not changing the shift. (Case 133707)
Fix: Transport Planning - Elements from different transports are not highlighted in model view. (Case 132440)
Fix: where autocast is used and detaild planning is showing multilpe days, now all elements are shown in cast for all applied days. (Case 133118)
IMPACT For Revit
New: Add Cast-in Materials to an endcap definition for Wall, Sandwich Wall and Insulated Wall elements. (Case 133759)
New: IMPACT Quality parameter is automatically filled in with the value of IMPACT Material parameter, when creating new project, if IMPACT Quality parameter is empty. (Case 133556)
New: Possibility to see concrete volume in liters on the shop drawing. Implemented for all types of elements. (Case 133381)
New: Reinforcement tab in Slab endcaps. Now it is possible to add rebars to a slab endcap definition and add the rebars via Slab RC template to an element, where the endcap is applied. (Case 134221)
New: Shortcut to IMPACT commands on a right-click menu, available in Revit 2025 (Case 134122)
New: When the user clicks on the elements in the Manage Barmarks command, IMPACT will mark the elements in the Revit model. (Case 133659)
New: The Shoring Beam Drawing Tool, enabling users to easily specify shoring beam placements directly within form slab drawings for improved accuracy and efficiency in construction planning. (Case 133633)
Fix: Dimension line for Lattice Girder are not shown in Shop Drawing. (Case 131670)
Fix: Fixed an issue where not all the fields were populated when printing Reinforcement bending Schedule Summary report. (Case 131805)
New: Connect three Double Wall elements in a T-connection joint via the Connect Wall command. (Case 129760)
New: Edge alternatives in Edge reinforcement/ RC template definition. (Case 127257)
"New: Now it is possible to add bended mesh in Endcap definitions under Reinforcement tab. (Case 129266)"
Fix: Not able to Map Definitions for Columns and Beams. (Case 133997)
Fix: Couldn't write degree values with decimals in sloped beam definitions. (Case 134723)
Fix: Fixed the issue where the origin/point center of a wall based circular recess was not the same as the extrusion. (case 133681)
Fix: No Reinforcement data from element definition was shown in Draw Form Slab and Edit Form slab command. (Case 133774)
Fix: Prestressed slab gets wrong element mark when saving it.(Case 133673)
Fix: Resolved issue where the I-shape family did not work for specific values. (Case 133219)
Fix: Resolved the issue where the section head was missing in a generated Shop drawing. (Case 133513)
Fix: Rotation Left/Right issue in Insert/Update Lift command. (Case 134407)
Fix: The text was overlapping in Shop drawing settings when there was no view added. (Case 133926)
IMPACT Standard Admin
New: Add the possibility to use Specification to the drawing types BL, PLAN, ELEV and RDEF. (Case 105315)
New: More field types were added to the specification to be able to map more data in the process. (Case 105317)
Fix: Templates - Views - Delete button was grayed out with full rights. (Case 133191)
Fix: Mantum missing vehicle when only containing Stock items. (Case 134384)
Tekla Base Tools
New: Custom weight property in Tekla Base tools. (Case 133488)
New: All Tender projects are now shown when no project is selected in the workload projects grid. (Case 133866)
IMPACT User Admin
Fix: When deleting a user all user settings must be deleted. (Case 133494)
Service Configuration Tool
Fix: Selecting linked includes cims and reinforcement. (Case 133450)