How can I change my reinforcement text style to show 1+1 as the number of bars instead of 2?

Last modified by superadmin on 2023/08/23 15:44

In the video below, Peter Karlsson explains how to change and apply a Designation Style. Here follows a brief review of the content.

  • Make changes in the Designation Style Definitions found under the tab Reinforcement in AutoCAD. 
  • Copy the name of the changed Designation Style and go to IMPACT Standard Admin.
  • Here go to Setting -> Common -> Reinforcement ->Defaults 
  • Change the value of WALL_RC_PROPOSAL_STRAIGHT_BAR_TEXT_STYLE from the current one to the changed one.
  • Return to the AutoCAD drawing and press Refresh settings and properties followed by Draw Template Proposal to get the new designation style
  • If you want this Designation Style applied to all your new drawings you need to transfer the Designation Style you created and press export/import and find the standard drawing named bl.dwg
  • The drawing bl.dwg is found in your standard. If your standard is for example 1100, you will find the drawing both in 1100 and 1101. Example of search path: \\afil\IMPACTWorkingFolders\Impact_Amazon_Europe\Standard\1100\1100\templates_drawings

