How to add a new drawing type in standard admin

Last modified by Oskar Kristinsson on 2022/08/16 13:51

Adding a new drawing type in standard admin is quite simple, this could be because a customer wants to have specific information in the header block that you normally do not have.

The system can not find that new header block nor the specification block if it is not linked to a drawing type.

The first thing you should do is create the blocks you want to use.

The location of the blocks should be here in your impact folders

NOTE: 1100 is the impact standard id and should be replaced with your company standard id.


Header block

In my case, the block is called _uh_003_oak and looks like this


Note that the insert point is in the top right corner, my block size is 100x25mm.

Here you can find information about what attributes work in different blocks.

Specification block

In my case, the block is called _uf_w and it is the same block as I use for other sandwich walls in my standard because I have all of the information I need in this case.

My block looks like this


Note that the insert point is in the top right corner, my block size is 100x170mm.

Here you can find information about what attributes work in different blocks.

Standard admin

Now that you have the basic blocks for drawing type it is time to add the drawing type.


Press the plus and give the new drawing type an id and a name, the id can not be the same as other ids on the list.

In my case the id is w_oak and the name is Sandwich Wall oak, save the changes and right-click on the new drawing type, and select properties.


As you can see, the id and the name are already defined, along with the layout in this case it is standard.

Standard is for all elements except for form slabs and double walls.

Select the desired tables that you want to be associated with the drawing type.

In the block file name, you add the specification block name and define the size, and the same for the head file name.

Mine looks like this


Now we have defined the header block and the specification block.


Creating and adding a new specification will be explained in a separate article.

In my case, I have the same specification as the standard sandwich walls and I will be applying the sandwich wall specifications to my new sandwich wall drawing type.

Start with expanding the drawing type and expand the new drawing type along with the standard sandwich wall


Select the fields for the standard sandwich wall and select everything and export to excel, give it a name and press save.


Select the fields for the new drawing type, right-click in the blank area and select the import from excel


Select the file you made previously and press open.


Now do the same for options.

NOTE: if you want to add more options you can do that in the excel file as long as the fields are the same. The file has to be closed to be able to import it.