Version 17.0.006 Q1/2023

Last modified by Dennis Knudsen on 2023/03/14 13:14


New: Support for bended bars in primary direction for FormSlab. (Case 83649)

New: Reduce the size of the IFC by selecting specific CIM to appear in the model when it's generated. (Case 123526)

New: Possibility to show the mass when drawing Double Wall. (Case 124511)

New: Possibility to display mass in the draw wall jig. (Case 123911)

New: Openings can now be dimensioned in both elevation and section. (Case 123641)

New: New variable (DWGENDCAPVIEWLEVELOFDETAIL)  added to set "Level 1" for the endcap lineup. (Case 123459)

New: Function to draw bended bar mesh and export it to Unitechnik. (Case 124158)

New: Draw "Panel Thickening" directly into the wall in the model. (Case 122428)

New: Add save symbols as a button where all the rest of the MTO buttons are located. (Case 124726)

New: Add a marking to recesses and a new field to the hole specification. (Case 123304)

New: Run export to Unitechnik automatically for slabs, sandwich, solid walls, and insulated walls. (Case 77544)


Fix: where realistic colors under Settings Plan did not work as intended. (Case 124185)

Fix: The mass circle when drawing DoubleWall is not showing the correct limit. (Case 124629)

Fix: Special case where the solid wasn't drawn correct. (Case 105012)

Fix: Special case where the reinforcement on FormSlab where removed when Shop Drawing was regenerated from Floor Plan. (Case 124600)

Fix: Special case where endcaps where not sweeped correct around the edge for an insulated wall. (Case 124119)

Fix: Special case where corbels in the section were dimensioned incorrect. (Case 123679)

Fix: Remove the possibility to add openings of different element type than the wall. (Case 124582)

Fix: Multiple errors with setting ready/not ready for production on the floor plan drawing. (Case 123539)

Fix: MEP key was placed incorrect in a special shaped wall. (Case 124209)

Fix: If the element is moved less then half of its length on the plan then the element mark is not moved on the elevation but the geometry is moved. If the element is moved more or half of its length then the element mark is moved on the elevation.  (Case 124493)

Fix: Gross area for DoubleWalls area incorrect. We are removing the areas of the doors. (Case 123530)

Fix: Generate gridlines on the elevation drawing didn't place the gridlines correct vertically. (Case 124796)

Fix: Generate Braces for DoubleWall is not adding a symbol. (Case 123690)

Fix: Dimension type 'None' where missing for circular recesses. (Case 124919)

Fix: Dimension MEP key component separately didn't work. (Case 124822)

Fix: where manually modifying one barmesh and then modifying the other one the first one gets reset. (Case 123441)

Fix: where column sections automatically adjust to the viewport after change in the element type and shop drawing regenerated. (Case 123962)

Fix: Special case where the total height was incorrect. (Case 124317)

Fix: Special case where the element geometry couldn't be created. (Case 123318)

Fix: Special case where the CIM was incorrect turned in the Column section. (Case 122219)

Fix: Special case where exporting a circular hole to unitechnik version 5.2 wasn't correct. (Case 124931)

Fix: special case where CIM was not shown in small detail section. (Case 124741)

Fix: Special case where an opening in the edge of the wall wasn't modeled correct. (Case 124769)

Fix: Special case where a recess was shown as a cut out in BricsCAD. (Case 125051)

Fix: Rename an extended CIM, for instance an electrical duct, didn't work properly. (Case 123884)

Fix: Problem with element geometry on slab elements resulting in dimension lines far away from the element. (Case 123859)

Fix: Incorrect geometry in BricsCAD. (Case 121296)