Cast-In Material Recipes added to walls.

Last modified by Adam Carlson on 2022/05/09 09:50

The wall definition dialog has been extended with a new page "Cast-in Material Recipes":


Here you can define cast-in materials that shouldn't be drawn in element but be included in the table of cim as a multiplicator of an element area or element parts area. The cim recipes can easily be exported to other wall definitions with the "Export..." button.

The cim recipes defined in the wall definition serve as template values for creating walls and then each wall has its own set of cim recipes that can be modified.

When editing multiple walls there're some rules of what will be displayed on the "Cast-in Material Recipes" page:

If all walls have one recipe (one row) all data is displayed in one grid any value that differs is displayed with <varies>.

If all walls have the same amount of recipes (rows in the grid) a comparison is done for the columns "Name" and "Element part" and if those columns are matched for all walls all data is displayed in one grid any other value that differs is displayed with <varies>.


If the number of recipes in the wall varies or if matching rows for "Name" and "Element part" couldn't be found all data is displayed in one grid for each wall. The user can iterate between the different walls in the selection by using buttons "<" and ">" and by using the button "Apply to all" the current grid data is copied to all other walls.


The areas for the different element parts are calculated as:

Bounding Box area: This is calculated from the extent of the element part solid when element endcaps have been applied (except endcap materials).


Gross area: This is calculated from a boundary polyline that is created from the element part solid when element endcaps have been applied (except endcap materials).


Net area: This is calculated from a section that is created at the center of the element part solid when all components have been applied.


Nine new attributes have been added for displaying the element part areas in square meters with 2 decimals:




In the database, the cims created by cim recipes are stored with the type "P" and the amount is stored in the column "number_of".