Freeze Elevation added to shop drawings for walls.

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/05/04 17:08

Freeze Elevation added to shop drawings for walls.

The idea behind this feature is to give the users more "Freedom" to modify/manipulate the elevation and section view on the shop drawings. 

This will allow the user to modify the lines so the view looks like what the user want. 


After freezing the elevation geometry, you can change the lines on element elevation as you like, but if MTO is clicked it confirms if the element is to be modified in DATABASE.


3 options are added here.

ThawAndRedraw: If you want to thaw the element and redraw the element.

ReDraw: Redraws the elemnt but new elevation is still frozen.

Leave: cancel the command.

NOTE: If you click MTO 'All materials and redraw Element', it wont ask for confirmation. Be careful with this.


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