Improved linked element

Last modified by Oskar Kristinsson on 2020/02/17 10:06


Two new commands have been added to the “Element” ribbon for improving the functionality of Linked elements on the shop drawings

“Draw Linked…” allows you to draw different views of the linked element on the shop drawing, the “Model” view can be used for changing and saving the linked element, the other 2D views can streamline the work with creating shop drawing for linked elements.


“Save Linked” allows you to redefine the graphics that represent the linked element on the floor plan drawings as well as in the Project Manager.


In addition to the improvements above we’ve also enhanced the graphical representation of the linked elements in Project Manager by storing polymesh surfaces. Blocks such as cast-in materials can also be displayed in the Project Manager since they are exploded into more primitive entities such as lines, polylines, solids, etc before they are stored on the DWI file.


This feature is included in IMPACT 16 only.

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