Release notes IMPACT for AutoCAD & BricsCAD 15.0.041

Last modified by Dennis Knudsen on 2020/09/04 10:02


New: Possibility to exceed the width of the definition for prestressed slab elements. (Case 82107)
New: Placing symbol for formslab in the Unitechnik export if the variable UNITECHNIKPLACINGSYMBOLASMOUNTPART is set to 1. (Case 90294)


Fix: The bracing side now changes on the shop drawing when switched. (Case 89747)
Fix: Special case with roundoff problems for reinforcement in the Unitechnik export for FormSlabs. (Case 89788)
Fix: Special case where the mesh was missing in the inner panel. (Case 89496)
Fix: Special case where the MEP-Key height was incorrect when changing the height of the wall on the elevation. (Case 90364)
Fix: Special case where recess close to the edge pushed the closest bar outside of the geometry. (Case 90418)
Fix: Special case where endcap was not shown correctly on elevation and shop drawing. (Case 89524)
Fix: Show reinforcement doesn't show/hide the bar mesh. (Case 90179)
Fix: Setting a negative value for the elevation for form slabs no longer changes it automatically to the absolute value. (Case 89509)
Fix: Problem with (DeepClone error message) when exporting layout for an element with reinforcement groups on. (Case 88495)
Fix: Mirror wall with dynamic cast in material is not working correct. (Case 89922)
Fix: Doublewall reinforcement wrong spacing is shown in the reinforcement view. (Case 91971)
Fix: Double wall bracing moved and rotated on the shop drawing is now shown correctly when generated on a floor plan. (Case 90478)
Fix: Changing to solid no longer changes the position of the lattice girder. (Case 90308)