Improved Slabs

Last modified by Oskar Kristinsson on 2019/12/27 08:23

Endcaps with reinforcement bars and reinforcement boundary, similar to walls.



Default endcap in slab definition, similar to form slab.


Reinforcement templates including barmesh.


Draw slab by selecting an internal point, the application will detect the slab boundary polyline, drawn with the color green and possible cut-outs drawn with the color red. The segment nearest to the picked point will be used for determining the initial base point and rotation of the slab. If some detected cut out area is invalid they can be removed individually or all at once, and for the remaining cut-outs, you can specify on offset.


As seen above the slab boundary geometry can have endcaps on all sides and it can also contain arc segments.

Possibility to override strand pattern by selecting strand positions on each element, the strand positions can be selected from the grid or preview.


Possibility to show strands on the floor plan (all prestressed element types).

Convert between slab - prestressed slab on the floor plan.

Cast type

Slabs can be cast upside down by setting “Cast type” to  “Mirror x” or “Mirror y”

Edit slab geometry of unmarked or regrouped slabs by using grip stretch of vertices (AutoCAD only).


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