Draw Hollow Core

Last modified by Adam Carlson on 2022/12/22 08:00

Start with launching the command Draw Hollow Core.


Figure 1: Draw Hollow Core

Drawings Prestressed Slabs work almost the same as for Slabs. The three differences are that Hollow Cores can only be drawn as Multiple, and the General and Endcap tabs in the properties dialog look a bit different.

Since Hollow Cores can have strands, the user got the option to select a predefined strand pattern for the slab definition. 

HC gen.png

Figure 2: Hollow Core General tab

Under the Endcaps tab, one can define recesses in the edge of the Hollow Cores. These are used for connecting the Hollow Core to the walls. 

HC end.png

Hollow Core Endcap tab

  • Endcap - must be selected to be able to define the recess
  • Cores - in which core(s) should the recess(es) be placed in
  • The geometry of the recess
  • Clean cores - place recess only in clean cores, which means cores that are not cut 
