Draw Slab

Last modified by Adam Carlson on 2022/12/22 08:00

Start with launching the command Draw Slab.


Figure 1: Draw Slab

Now, the properties dialog will appear. Under Definition, the user will select the predefined definition of the slab that is going to be used (Definitions for prestressed slabs, definitions for Hollow Core). The other values will be inserted automatically from the definition. Of course, one can change the values in this dialog without changing the definition.

Note: Some of the fields are greyed out, thus they cannot be changed. 


Figure 2: Draw Slab General tab

Under the endcap tab, one can set endcaps for the slab(s).


Figure 3: Draw Slab Endcap tab

Under the model tab, information about the element will appear. The location is according to the drawing that the element is drawn on. This information can also be changed. 

The level is more described here. LÄGG TILL BESKRIVNING FÖR LEVEL

One can choose if the element should be drawn as a wireframe or a solid. This can also be changed (lägg till länk för presentation) when the element is drawn. 


Figure 4: Draw Slab Model tab

The next step is to actually draw the slab(s). Before drawing it, one needs to choose a few settings.

Draw Single or multiple slab(s)?


Figure 5: Draw single slab


Figure 6: Draw multiple slabs

Draw the slab(s) with Window, Polyline or Points method?


Figure 7: Draw slab with Window method


Figure 8: Draw slab with Polyline method


Figure 9: Draw slab with Points method

Draw geometry

Now, it is time to draw the slab(s). After drawing the geometry, one gets the question to specify support length of the edge that is highlighted with the green color. When one is finished with one edge, click next or previous to set the support length for all edges. End with apply. 


Figure 10: Set support length

The next step is to decide if the slabs should have a slope. The slope will be specified as 1:x, and one should also specify the direction of the slab according to the direction of the element. 


Figure 11: Slope

The last steps (Note: Applies only when drawing multiple slabs) is to specify base point. This is usually on one of the edges of the area where the slabs are drawn. 

Specify base point.gif

Figure 12: Specify base point

It is also possible to rotate all the slabs. 


Figure 13: Rotate

The last thing to do is to decide is the placing of non complete slab (the cut element).  

specify placing.gif

Figure 14: Plancing of non complete slab