Slab Definitions

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/05/04 17:12

To be able to draw Slabs, one need to create definitions to use. Below is a guide on how to set up this definition. 

Start with launching the command Slab Definitions. 


Figure 1: Slab Definitions

Create a new definition at any level.

new def.png

Figure 2: Create new Slab Definition



Figure 3: Slab Definition General tab

  1. Width - 
  2. Tolerance width - the distance between the actual element and the element boundary 


  1. Element thickness  
  2. Material
  3. Production line - which predefined production line elements with this definition will be used for



Figure 4: Slab Definition Lifting tab

  1. Rotation - if the lifts should be rotated
  2. Min width four lift points
  3. Default type - which default lift type should be used. Lift type is basically a category of lift. In this example Lift type is different lifting angles
  4. Number of lifting points
  5. Lift set up - here, one will specify all the possible lifts for the definition depending on mass and lift type
  6. Placing long side
  7. Placing short side 



Figure 5: Slab Definition Naming tab

  1. Group - possibility to subcategorize elements of one element type
  2. Product
  3. Prefix designation
  4. Prefix element mark
  5. Prefix drawing name
  6. Drawing type
  7. Drawing template - default template that should be used


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