Edit Wall

Last modified by Adam Carlson on 2021/08/11 14:08

After a Wall has been created, one can still edit it. 

Start with launching the Edit Wall command. 


Figure 1: Edit Wall

It is possible to edit one, or several elements of the same element type at the same time. Double-click on elements and components will trigger the corresponding edit command


Figure 2: Options for Edit Wall

Note: After editing an element, one needs to Exit the command. If Esc is used, the change will be lost. 

1. Properties

This option will open the properties dialog for the Wall that could be used when the Wall was drawn. 

2. Add

After adding a component, e.g. a Recess or a CIM, to the element, they need to be added to the element. Otherwise, they are not included in the element.

One can decide to add All or Single components.  


Figure 3: Add components

3. Remove

Contrary to Add, one might need to exclude a component, e.g. a Recess or a CIM, from the element. Then Remove will be used. 

One can decide to remove All or Single components.


Figure 4: Remove components

4. Endcap

This applies only to solid walls. 

This command gives the opportunity to quickly create endcaps with only a polyline. The endcap will then be saved in the project so that it can be used again.

endcap.gifFigure 5: Endcap command 

5. Length

This option will make it possible to change the length of the walls. In the example, in Figure 6 the Wall will be extended, but it is possible to shorten the elements as well. 


Figure 6: Extending the wall

6. Height

This option will make it possible to change the height of the walls. In the example, in Figure 6 the Wall will be heightened, but it is possible to lower the elements as well.


Figure 7: Heightened the wall

7. Flip

Sometimes, one wants to rotate a Wall change the direction and insertion point for it. 


Figure 8: Flip wall

8. Shape

This option will open the shapes dialog for the Wall that could be used when the Wall was drawn. 

9. Move text

It is possible to move the Element Mark and the other text for an element. 

move text.gif

Figure 9: Move text


After editing the element, one must Exit the command keep the change. If Esc is used, one will lose the change. 

If the element was saved before editing, the changes need to be saved to the database (the element mark will get a small star to indicate that it needs to be saved). This can be done with the usual Save command, but also with Exit and Save when ending the Edit command. 


Figure 10: Ending the Edit command with Exit and Save will automatically save the changes to the database. 

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