Change notes - IMPACT for Revit

Last modified by Dennis Knudsen on 2024/12/04 09:46

Version 17

Documented new features or changes introduced in the service release. 

Version 17.1.006 Q4/2024

Released December 2th, 2024

Note! Requires IMPACT WebAPI 17.1.012 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration 

New features

Rebar dimensions in Hollow core Shop drawing settings. (Case 135625)

Placing of lift options in Hollow core definition. (Case 133708)

The Cut reinforcement option is checked by default in Draw Recess command. (Case 134984)

 Adding a Reload command where the user do not have to restart Revit. (Case 135516)

A functionality to automatically activate Save Element command after Edit Element has been used. (Case 134124)

Revit gives a warning when changing an element that is fine planned. (Case 134604)

MB Shape Code added in Standard folder. (Case 134797)

BIP codes. (Case 134883)

Delete model lines for user-defined recesses automatically when drawing the recess. (Case 135484)

Create lift definitions for hollow core, prestressed slab, and prestressed beam. (Case 135480)

Possibility to select the group of the Lattice girder in Lattice girder definition. (Case 133545)

Possibility to change the cutting method of the hollow cores. (Case 135735)

New options in the Type falling menu of the Reinforcement template for Slabs.(Case 135387)

Version 17.1.005 Q3/2024

Released Aug, 30th, 2024.

Note! Requires IMPACT WebAPI 17.1.009 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

New features

The Shoring Beam Drawing Tool. (Case 133633)

Now it is possible to add bended mesh in Endcap definitions under Reinforcement tab. (Case 129266) 

Shortcut to IMPACT commands on a right-click menu, available in Revit 2025 (Case 134122)

Possibility to see concrete volume in liters. (Case 133381)

Edge alternatives in Edge reinforcement / RC template definition. (Case 127257)

Add Cast-in material to an endcap definition for Wall, Sandwich Wall and Insulated Wall elements. (case 133759)

Preview the elements from the Manage Barmarks command. (Case 133659)

Connect three Double walls with a T-connection joint. (Case 129760)

Version 17.1.004

Released June 26th, 2024.

Note! Requires IMPACT WebAPI 17.1.006 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

Version 17.1.003

Released June 5th, 2024

Note! Requires IMPACT WebAPI 17.1.006 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

Version 17.1.002 Q2/2024

Released May 27th, 2024

Note! Requires IMPACT WebAPI 17.1.006 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

New features

Support for IMPACT Revit 2025. (Case 131853)

Possibility to insert Barmark from Barmark list. (Case 129658)

Possibility to create Bar mesh via applying Reinforcement template. (Case 132375)

Apply Other endcaps for two or more walls with the same geometry. (Case 132591)

Prestressed beam is now using Prestressed beam strands. (Case 129583)

Create Bar mesh in Bended mesh command. (Case 129083)

Possibility to decide the reference point of the corbel elevation. (Case 126866)

Control the CIM annotation settings via Annotation Text field in Draw and Edit Cast-in material command. (Case 131130)

Possibility to decide if the hole should cut out both double wall panels. (Case 129762)

Add check box column to the add section function. (Case 129749)

Top mesh in sloping slabs. (case 129588)

Possibility to switch on/off the edge and hole endstop labels. (Case 129794)

The option Keep Revit open is now checked by default. (Case 131793)

It is now possible to draw Barmesh via the Representation/Bars setting in Double Wall definition. (Case 132961)

In Measure command an arrow is added that is pointing in the different direction in the end of the measure. (Case 125991)

Version 17.1.001 Q1/2024

Released March 4th, 2024

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi 17.1.001 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

New features

Showing one assembly in the Print function when the elements are the same. (Case 129603)

Possibility to set the distance to "0" when connecting double walls. (Case 129750)

It is now possible to add user dimension text for cast-in materials dimension lines. (Case 126526)

Insert profile mesh for slabs. (Case 126487)

The Chamfer in a column is now removed from the part where the corbel is inserted. (Case 126521)

The field "A-placing cut" from Double wall definition is now enabled when "Area" is selected. (Case 130377)

Showing degree values of the fields A1 and A2 from Sloped I shaped Prestressed Beam. (Case 128353)

New parameter "IMPACT Bended Mesh Shape Code". (Case 128995)

Change Slab Direction command added. (Case 126535)

Adding IMPACT Host parameter in Parts. (Case 129574)

Fixed numbers on edge reinforcement. (Case 126544)

Fixed Number setting for rebars in Reinforcement in Endcaps. (Case 129129)

Preserve manual reinforcement changes with Insert CIM command. (Case 129517)

Possibility to select material when adding filling for Form slabs. (Case 129123)

CIM dimensions placed to closest edge. (Case 129106)

MEP key dimension functionality added for Item and Recess in the MEP key definition window. (Case 129797)

IMPACT Barmark parameter is populated with the name of the mesh. (Case 129573)

Possibility to have user-defined families for lattice girders. (Case 125166)

Version 17.0.011 Q4/2023

Released December 11th, 2023

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi 17.0.019 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

New features

 Save replace function for generic models and structural foundations. (Case 128501)

 IMPACT Host parameter is now populated for Bended Mesh. (Case 129152)

Endcap dimensioning with separate category. (Case 129748)

It is now possible to define the mass value of an opening. (Case 129665)

A new dimension line called "Other Endcap dimension" in Shop drawing settings. (Case 128264)

A different way of measuring in Shop drawing. (Case 125314)

Functionality for IMPACT Quality when RC template is used. (Case 128273)

Version 17.0.010

Released October 27th, 2023

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi 17.0.017 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

New features

New setting "Default" for CIM dimension lines. (Case 122833)

Possibility to decide if the geometry parameters for recess should be project parameters or family parameters.(Case 127986)

Possibility to configure Dimension Line Edge Offset in Shop Drawing template. (Case 126214)

Possibility to turn on/off Spot elevation settings for Main geometry and Opening components in an element, as well as Spot elevation for Corbel in a column element. (Case 121496)

Description field for Shop drawing templates. (Case 128355)

Mould symbol for linked elements. (Case 128765)

T connection for Double walls. (Case 126599)

Version 17.0.009 Q3/2023

Released September, 4th, 2023

Note! requires IMPACT WebApi 17.0.014 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

New features

It is now possible to import/export, rename, delete, edit and copy the Shop drawing templates.(Case 128116)

Lift point placement for FormSlab with a new method where the extra lifts are placed 1/3 of the lift distance between the first lift points and maximum edge distance for the first lift points of 1250 mm. (Case 127237)

Control the element face description of CIMs when the view is rotated in Shop drawing. (Case 126190)

Added "Edge and extents" dimension type for dynamic CIM. (Case 126505)

Dimensioning opening endstops. (Case 127277)

Preselection in "Open Shop drawing". (Case 127447)

The Double wall elevation settings considers now the shorten panel. (Case 126622)

Version 17.0.008

Released July 7th, 2023

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi 17.0.009 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

Version 17.0.007 Q2/2023

Release May 29th, 2023

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi 17.0.009 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

New features

Added support for Revit 2024. (Case 125990)

Active "Settings" button in the project template. (Case 73054)

Change the visibility depended on outer/inner panel schedule. (Case 125773)

Schedule with MEP key information. (Case 125345)

Override the material parameter for rebars. (Case 125042)

Version 17.0.006 Q1/2023

Release March 10th, 2023

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi 17.0.007 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

Version 17.0.005

Release February 8th, 2023

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi 17.0.004 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

New features 

Checkbox to Insert/Update lifts so that the user can decide what to Insert/Update. (Case 124480)

Possibility for user to to save a new element with the same Element ID as a temporary element. (Case 122361) 

Stirrups connected to cast in materials. (Case 103196)

Annotation text for recess commands. (Case 124203)

The Element ID is retained after renaming the assembly. (Case 123921)

Improved functionality for barmarks. (Case 120885)

Draw ducts by picking the lines or points. (Case 118822)

Version 17.0.004 Q4/2022

Release December 12th, 2022

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi 17.0.004 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log 

New Features

Improved shop drawing setting for endcap labels which enables the user to decide if endcap labels should come on the main geometry and/or for the openings. (Case 122440)

Added a filter in the Draw corbel command which filters the CIM group. (Case 87988)

Connect reinforcement stirrups to endcap definitions. (Case 117243)

New tab in called "Ends" in the beam definition dialogue window. (Case 119035)

Multiple recess and non cut through in the Slab connection tool. (Case 117309)

One dimension line for multiple openings in Shop Drawing. (Case 122634)

Version 17.0.003

Release September 26th, 2022

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi 17.0.002 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

Version 17.0.002 Q3/2022

Release September 5th, 2022

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi 17.0.002 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log 

Version 17.0.001

Release June 17th, 2022

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi 17.0.001 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log 

Version 17.0.000 Q2/2022

Release May 30th, 2022

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi 17.0.000 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

New features 

Hollow Core definitions (Case 115496)
Draw Hollow Core from definition (Case 112962)

Draw weep holes command for Hollow cores. (Case 117963)
Reference side for inserting of CIM added in Smart CIM command. (Case 111381)
Easy way to pick strand positions in Hollow Core definition settings. (Case 79675)
Definitions for linked elements. (Case 112948)
Production settings are now connected to the form slab definitions using Min AS. (Case 108586)

Map the Revit solid walls to any IMPACT wall definition. (Case 116915)

Create IMPACT definition on Project level after mapping the elements. (Case 118510)

Column definitions. (Case 108088)

Edit column command. (Case 118908)

Column lift holes. (Case 112239)

Beam definitions. (Case 111019)
Edit Beam command. (Case 118885)

Beam lift definitions. (Case 112238)

Create Other endcaps by picking lines. (Case 117091)

Map definition for Prestressed beam and Prestressed slab. (Case 78559)

Possibility to use the settings "Hole keep mesh" and "Filing keep mesh". (Case 105128)

Improved Open Shop drawing command. (Case 108974)

Version 16

Documented new features or changes introduced in the service release. 

Version 16.0.035 Q2/2023

Release May 29th, 2023

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi and Security Server 16.0.059 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

Version 16.0.034 Q1/2023

Release March 10th, 2023

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi and Security Server 16.0.057 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

Version 16.0.033

Release February 8th, 2022

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi and Security Server 16.0.055 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log

Version 16 Q4/2022

Release December 12th, 2022

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi and Security Server 16.0.055 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log

New Features

The duct bending is now shown in the model when having a radius. (Case 118794)

Elements are now saved in the same process when remarking. (Case 118820)

Improved functionality for applying other endcaps in walls. (Case 121498)

Improved the draw and edit recess command. (Case 122754)

Version 16 Q3/2022

Release September 5th, 2022

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi and Security Server 16.0.051 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log 

Highlights of IMPACT Revit version 16.0.031

Possibility to define default values for support length. (Case 118283)

Number of duct connections is set to "1" as default. (Case 117709)

Version 16 Q2/2022

Release May 30th, 2022

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi and Security Server 16.0.048 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log 

Highlights of IMPACT Revit version 16.0.029

Update revisions for drawings (Case 119944)

Split Double Wall vertically command. (Case 119158)

It is now possible to set the placement offset of the Hollow core, Slab, Pre-Stressed Slab and From Slab before drawing it (Case 118257)

Version 16.0.026 

Release April 26th, 2022

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi and Security Server 16.0.042 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log 

Highlights of IMPACT Revit version 16.0.026

Create drawings for plans, elevations, and other types of drawings. (Case 117220)

Version 16.0.024  Q1/2022

Release February 21st, 2022

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi and Security Server 16.0.042 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log 

Highlights of IMPACT Revit version 16.0.024

Map a wall to a Double wall definition in Map definitions command. (Case 110271)

Draw Connection command for Slab and Prestressed Slab elements. (Case 112958)

Possibility to add annotation text indicating the side of element on the CIM dimension lines in the shop drawing. (Case 111419)

Version 16.0.022

Release December 22nd, 2021

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi and Security Server 16.0.037 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log 

Highlights of IMPACT Revit version 16.0.022

Version 16.0.021  Q4/2021

Release December 14th, 2021

Note! Requires IMPACT WebApi and Security Server 16.0.037 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log 

Highlights of IMPACT Revit version 16.0.021

Show the Center of Gravity and its measurements for all element types. (Case 108563)


Find Element command in IMPACT Revit. (Case 67894) 


Endcap description is now shown in the Edit Slab command. (Case 112016)

Production settings are now connected to the Form Slab definitions using Min AS. (Case 105856)

It is now possible to control which points in an endcap that should be dimensioned. (Case 108134)

Added new parameters to the Linked elements. (Case 109201)

New parameters for primary and secondary reinforcement direction. (Case 106366)

It is now possible to see "Requested area" when using Minimum AS in Form Slabs. (Case 108583)

It is now possible to decide the color of the reference line in Shop Drawings. (Case 108419)

Version 16.0.020

Released October 10th, 2021

Note! Requires IMPACT WebAPI and Security Server 16.0.030 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration.

Version 16.0.019  Q3/2021

Released September 5th, 2021

Note! Requires IMPACT WebAPI and Security Server 16.0.030 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration.

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log 

Highlights of IMPACT Revit version 16.0.019

Align Reinforcement Tags (Case 108068)

Setting for Align Views in Shop Drawing Templates (Case 103991)

Control Spacing Between Endcap Views in Shop Drawings (Case 108305)

Improved Command for 'Open Shop Drawing' (Case 108110) 

Version 16.0.018

Released June 7th, 2021

Note! Requires IMPACT WebAPI and Security Server 16.0.024 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration.

Version 16.0.017  Q2/2021

Released May 31th, 2021

Note! Requires IMPACT WebAPI and Security Server 16.0.023 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration.

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log 

Highlights of IMPACT Revit version 16.0.017


Custom CIM annotations. (Case 76272)

Save edited MEP key as a new definition. (Case 100202)

Possibility to select the mesh profile while inserting mesh. (Case 90249) 

Possibility to insert multiple endcaps on the solid slab. (Case 100267)

Import/Export dimension settings between templates. (Case 101095)

Import/Export dimension settings between views. (Case 101094)

Create assembly views from the shop drawing settings dialogue window. (Case 101085)

Draw opening command. (Case 62452)

Symbol for up/down in mould (walls and slabs). (Case 102895)

Export to PDF and possibility to open PDF drawing directly from Project Manager. (Case 93768)

Possibility to select the core where the lifts should be inserted. (Case 102051)

IMPACT Parameters in Revit. (Case 103250)

Possibility to "Hide section in other views". (Case 103691)

Placement of views and schedules. (Case 101096)

Version 16.0.016

Released April 20th, 2021

Version 16.0.015

Released March 2th, 2021

Version 16.0.014  Q1/2021

Released February 18th, 2021

Note! Requires IMPACT WebAPI and Security Server 16.0.017 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration.

Highlights of IMPACT Revit version 16.0.014

Automatic lift insertion settings are now removed from IMPACT for Revit. (Case 88024)

Convert in-place only the selected families. (Case 100327)

Specify the location of the gap when splitting the walls horizontally. (Case 77964)

Family type is now visible in Lift set-up definitions. (Case 95881)

Select dimension type when drawing recess. (Case 97234)

Reorganized and removed all element metadata not used by IMPACT. (Case 93738)

Separate IMPACT User from Revit user in Project parameters. (Case 98865)

Wall CIM template improvements. (Case 99093)

Diagonal dimension for walls and slabs. (Case 84482)

Map structural floors as Form slabs. (Case 92904)

Double Wall Shop drawing template. (Case 92599)

Double Wall Shop drawing. (Case 92600)

Control Measure for the Shop Drawings is now read from the database. (Case 99581)

Activate "Use Parameter Mapping" settings via variable in IMPACT Standard Admin. (Case 98928)

Version 16.0.013

Note! Requires IMPACT WebAPI and Security Server 16.0.014 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration.

Released December 8th, 2020

Version 16.0.012  Q4/2020

Released November 26th, 2020 / Q4

See updates in the IMPACT Revit standard in IMPACT Revit Standard Log 

Note! Requires IMPACT WebAPI and Security Server 16.0.014 or later. Deployed from IMPACT Service Configuration.

Highlights of IMPACT Revit version 16.0.012


Double Wall 

Indicate Panel 1 when drawing Double Wall with the help of a direction profile setting. (case 92924) 

Show measurements between the Lattice Girders in Edit Lattice Girder command. (case 93426)

Improved Draw Double Wall window. Dynamic preview of Vertical gap and Priority. (case 92310)

Draw MEP key in Double Wall element. (case 92955)

Edit Panel Length command (case 93340)

Edit Panel Height command (case 93427)

Lattice Girders definitions (case 93606)


IMPACT will no longer trigger automatic synchronization with the central file after elements have been saved to the database. (Case 95735)

IMPACT Project related information will now be stored in the Revit project file. (Case 93865)

IMPACT will now automatically reload the latest model from Central File whensaving the element to the database. (Case 94241)

Shop Drawing  

Settings for Drawing name for element types, that are either definitions or families in the IMPACT database.  (case 70049)

´Show recess in hole specification on shop drawing´ option added to Draw Recess command. (case 90357)

´Show recess in hole specification on shop drawing´ option added to Draw Hole command. (case 90357)

Possibility in Shop Drawing to manually adjust the scheduling cell heights. (Case 95896)

Environmental parameters values inserted in Revit reflected in Project Manager and vice-versa. (Case 93346)


Reinforcement boundary for Slab endcaps. (case 92853)

Set default Reinforcement template in Slab definitions. (case 79388)

Deduct Cover, defined in Reinforcement template from the Reinforcement boundary, defined in the endcap definition. (case 92899)


Dynamic CIM definition and automatic parameter fulfillment from Dynamic CIM family. (Case 95790)

Confirmation of the pick face side in Draw corbel command. (Case 92750)

Save Parts Assembly as Linked element. (case 86019)

Version 16.0.009

Released September 28th, 2020

Version 16.0.008

Released September 22th, 2020

Version 16.0.007  Q3/2020

Released September 4th,  2020/Q3

Highlights of IMPACT Revit version 16.0.007 


Double Wall

Revit 2021 available for IMPACT 16.0 

Other Features

Reinforcement boundary. (Case 87618)

Settings for placing lifts in Walls. (Case 74928)

Edge settings for Draw & Edit Form Slab command. (Case 89004)

Draw Hole for Form Slabs with adding manually annotation values. (Case 84231)

Element mark setting for Form Slab. (Case 88556)

Multiple selections of objects for Draw Recess command. (Case 79521)

Save the gridlines from multiple Revit models in one IMPACT project. (Case 86304)

Slab endcap thickness. (Case 89666)

Project folder settings for IMPACT projects created from Revit file. (Case 70775) 

Map only selected families. (Case 89969)

Panel visibility of 3D view in Sandwich shop drawings. (Case 90747)

Reinforcement template for Prestressed slab. (Case 88906)

Copy & Move element in Z-direction. (Case 89595)

A new parameter that indicates Master instance of an assembly in the Revit model. (Case 90191)

Add rebar text in shop drawings for slabs, beams and columns. (Case 89076)

Add section - list of views. (Case 89948)

Pick face option for Draw Corbel command. (Case 87751)

Version 16.0.006

Released May 29th, 2020

Preview for Draw Hole (Case 84230)

Show Situ Concrete for Form Slab (Case 87705)

Circular Holes Specified in the Table of Holes (Case 84232)

Parameters for Product, Designation, and Group (Case 84112)

Columns, Beams, Hollowcore, and Linked elements are created as loadable families in IMPACT for Revit. To be able to add the same database information as for the rest of the element types, there are three new parameters created. Read more about them in the links below.

Copy Shop Drawing (Case 88228)

Shop Drawing Status (Case 88032)

Slab Endcap with Slope (Case 88113)

Specific Dimension Type for Cast-in Materials (Case 86661)

Edit Cast-in Material (Case 89019)

Secondary Geometry Dimensions for Form Slab (Case 86683)

Dimension Lines on One Side of the Element (Case 84110)

Cut Out for Draw Recess (Case 86780)

Older Versions