Reference point of the Corbel elevation

Last modified by Catalin Turluc on 2024/05/10 13:04


When designing columns with corbels, sometimes the designers are using the level as reference point for inserting the corbels. 

There is a new feature in IMPACT for Revit which makes it possible to decide the reference point when inserting corbels. It is now possible to insert corbels using the level or the bottom of the element as a reference point. 

The new feature is available in "Draw Corbel" command and the two settings for deciding the corbel reference point are placed under the "Reference". 

Reference settings.png

Figure 1 - Reference settings in Draw Corbel command 

Corbel inserted by using the level as a reference point

In this example the column has been drawn with an base offset of 50mm and the corbel has been inserted with an elevation of 2000mm using the level as a reference point. 

Corbel inserted using level as a ref point.png

Figure 2 - Corbel inserted using the level as a reference point

Corbel inserted by using the bottom of the element as a reference point

In this example the column has been drawn with an base offset of 50mm and the corbel has been inserted with an elevation of 2000mm using the bottom of the element as a reference point.

Corbel inserted using the bottom of the element as a ref point.png

Figure 3 - Corbel inserted using the bottom of the element as a reference point