Edit MEP Pipe

Last modified by Linus Karlsson on 2021/05/27 11:31

Sometimes, one need to edit the path of the MEP Pipe. An example of this could be to avoid a recess, as can be seen below in Figure 1. The definition E06 is inserted two times in the wall, but for one of them, the pipes are intersecting with a recess.

mep 1.png

Figure 1: The left MEP Key intersect with a recess in the wall. 

One option to solve this could be to create a new definition of the MEP Key with a different path for the pipes. Another, much quicker, solution would be to use the "Edit MEP Pipe" command. It will let the user select a new path of the pipes and rename the MEP definition, which can be seen in Figure 2 below. 


Figure 2: "Edit MEP Pipe" command is used to change the path of the pipe to avoid the intersection with the recess. 

Since one specify a new name of the MEP definition, this will be shown in the tags and on the shop drawing. It will also be saved in the database so that the user can reuse the modified version of E06 if needed. This can be seen in Figure 3-5 below. 

mep plan.png

Figure 3: The modified MEP got the new name in the tags

mep shop.png

Figure 4: The modified MEP will be added as a row in the CIM table in the Shop Drawing.

mep def.png

Figure 5: The modified MEP definition "E06_1" will be saved on project level and can be reused in other elements.  



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