Edit Lattice Girders

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/08/30 14:49

Edit Lattice Girder command will help the user to create, move or erase a Lattice Girder instance. Moreover, the user will be able to see a dynamic preview of the Lattice Girders placement in the element and follow the measurements between the different units. Take a look at the article below on how to successfully edit Lattice Girders in a Double wall element. 

New Lattice Girder

Activate Edit Lattice Girders command and select the Double wall. Press on New in the dialog window, that pops up. Green lines will appear on the Double wall element. Those lines will indicate the possible placement of a new girder according to the placing setting in the Double wall definition. Select a green line and the new Lattice girder will be added. In order to finish the command, press on Close in the dialog window and Esc on the keyboard. The new Lattice girder is now added to the element. Notice, that multiple Lattice Girders can be added at once. 


Figure 1. Add new Lattice Girders to the Double wall element.   

Move Lattice Girder

Activate Edit Lattice Girders command and select the Double wall. Press on Move in the dialog window, that pops up. Green lines will appear on the Double wall element. Those lines will indicate possible placement of the lattice girders in the element according to the placing setting in the Double wall definition. Then select a Lattice girder that needs to be moved and a green line, which will indicate the new placing of the lattice girder. To finish the command press on Close in the dialog window and Esc on the keyboard. The Lattice girder is now moved to the newly selected placement in the element. 


Figure 2. Move Lattice Girders in the Double wall element.   

Erase Lattice Girder

Activate Edit Lattice Girders command and select the Double wall. Press on Erase in the dialog window, that pops up. Afterward, select the Lattice Girder that needs to be deleted. Press on Close in the dialog window and Esc on the keyboard. The Lattice girder is going to be deleted. 


Figure 3. Erase Lattice Girders.