Draw profile
Draw profile in drafting view
When users create project-specific new endcap defintitions out of an exref, then it is most likely that endcaps will be created in a plan view. Follow the suggestion effective workflow for drawing Level of detail 2 in a plan view and Level of detail 1 in a drafting view.
- Level of detail 1: This is the endcap detail, shown in the shop drawing. This detail includes text, measurments and other relevent symbols. This detail can be created in a drafting view. Level of detail 1 is optional for endcaps defintiion. If an edncap definition misses Level of detail 1, no endcap will be shown in the element shop drawing.
- Level of detail 2: This is the actual geometry of the endcap. This detail includes only outline and layer geometryof the element. This detail can be created both in a plan view and drafting view. Endcap defintition can not exist without level of detail 2.
If the endcap defintition is created in a plan view, then the user is not able to create the Level of detail 1, as this detail can be only created in a drafting view. Therefore the user can use Draw profile function in order to generate the geometry of the endcap.
Firslty, the user needs to create a new endcap defintion and a drafting view in your IMPACT Revit project. Afterwards, open endcap definitions and find the endcap defintion. Select the definition and press on Draw profile.
Figure 1. Use Draw profile to generate the Level of detail 2 geometry in a drafting view.
The user is required to select an insertion point and the Level of detail 2 appears in the drafting view. Then the user is able to add text, measurments and other relevent symbols to the detail.
Figure 2. Add relevant information to the endcap detail.
After text, measurments and other relevant symbols are added to the endcap detail, the user is ready to create Level of detail 1, which is going to be used in the shop drawing.