Dynamic Cast-in Material

Last modified by Linus Karlsson on 2021/10/01 11:35


Dynamic CIM is a cast-in material that has dynamic properties. Dynamic CIM is functionality in IMPACT that makes it possible to draw several 3D objects (CIMs) in a row, for example, a pipe.


Figure 1: Dynamic CIM in a Sandwich wall.

Define the Dynamic CIM

To create dynamic CIM definition. Start with the command of "Dynamic CIM" and create a new definition.

1. Add a name and description and hit ok.

create new dynamic cim.gif

Figure 2: Dynamic CIM definition location.

2. There is some general information that should be added in the dialogue for dynamic CIM. 

  • Description - short description of CIM, if needed;
  • Reference - if some sort of item number needs to be added;
  • Group - which category the dynamic CIM should be located under;


Figure 3: Categories available for CIM.

  • Treatment - treatment data if used;
  • Family - will fill in automatically once the family is loaded;
  • Type Name - will fill in automatically once the family is loaded;


Figure 4: Dynamic CIM definition general tab.

To load your Dynamic CIM family, you need to click "Load Family and Types". There is also a possibility to generate family from DWG by using "Generate Family From Dwg" function.

3. There is Dynamic CIM information that should be added in the dialogue for dynamic CIM. 


Figure 5: Dynamic CIM definition, Dynamic CIM tab.

  • Width - Width of the Cast-in material;
  • Height - Height of the Cast-in material;
  • Length Interval - Dynamic Cast-in material intervals length.

MTO - how the material take-off should be handled

  • Total length - sums up the total length of all dynamic CIMs with the same definition;
  • Unit length - sums up the number of dynamic CIMs with the same definition and the same length;
  • Piece - sums up the total amount of dynamic CIMs and disregard the length.

Note: These parameters will be automatically filled from Dynamic CIM family if they were defined.

For example:

Width    - "Width", "IMPACT Width"
Height   - "Height", "IMPACT Height"
Interval - "Interval", "Length Interval"

Create the Dynamic CIM Family

To create a Dynamic CIM Family, you should have already prepared a static family. To create a Dynamic family:

1. Start with opening a new “Metric Generic Model face based” family template.


Figure 6: Create a Dynamic CIM Family by using "Metric Generic Model face based"

2. Once “Metric Generic Model face based” template is open, go to 3D view and load your CIM family.

load family.gif

Figure 7: Loading CIM Family in "Metric Generic Model face based" template.

3. Go back to the reference plane "Ref. level" and align your CIM according to the Reference Planes.


Figure 8: Aligning CIM Family in "Metric Generic Model face based" template according to Reference Planes.

4. Create additional Reference Planes and apply Aligned Dimension to them accordingly.


Figure 9: Additional Reference Planes and Aligned Dimensions.

5. First Aligned Dimension is measuring "Spacing" and second measures "IMPACT CIM Length".

  • The "Spacing" parameter should be created as an instance;
  • "IMPACT CIM Length" parameter should be created as a shared parameter and instance.


Figure 10: Adding "Spacing" and "IMPACT CIM Length" parameters to  Aligned Dimensions.

6. To make the CIM family repeat, start "Array" command, select CIM the family, press "Enter", then pick the vertical centre plane as a start point and then the "Spacing" plane for the finishing point, input array number "2" and press "Enter".

  • Once Array group will be created, select Array Label and create a new Instance parameter called "Quantity".

Array with Quantity.gif

Figure 11: Using Array command and creating a new parameter for CIM Array.

7. Now Dynamic properties need to be configured.

  • Open "Family Types"; 1602155894513-383.png
  • In section "Other" under Quantity line, insert formula "IMPACT CIM Length / Spacing"
  • Add three IMPACT Shared parameters:
      • 0 - Total Length;
      • 1 - Unit Length;
      • 2 - Piece.
    • IMPACT CIM Mark
    • IMPACT CIM Type (More information can be found here)
  • Add three Family parameters:
    • Width - CIM type width.
    • Height - CIM type height.
    • Unit Lenght - CIM type length.

8. Example of how Family Types "configuration" window should look.


Figure 12: Family Types window, Dynamic properties configuration.

9. Make sure that the host of the family is big enough for all possible values of the IMPACT CIM Length parameter. If the CIM is extended more than the size of the host, it will not work properly.


Figure 13: Host of the family size.

Draw the Dynamic CIM

Since we already know how to create Dynamic CIM family and Dynamic CIM Definition, we can start drawing it in the actual model.

1. To draw Dynamic CIM, select "Draw Cast-in Material" command and "Draw Cast-in Material" dialogue window will open.


Figure 14: "Draw Cast-in Material" command and "Draw Cast-in Material" dialogue window.

In the dialogue window, some options are available:

  • Location - From which standard level to pick Dynamic CIM;
    • Common;
    • Local;
    • Project.
  • Group - From which CIM group to pick Dynamic CIM;
    • 01 Lift;
    • 02 Fixtures;
    • 03 Fastening Plate;
    • 04 Support;
    • 05 Hole;
    • 06 Column Shoes;
    • 07 Panel Connections;
    • 08 Electrical;
    • 09 Other;
    • 31 Anchor Bolts;
    • 33 Nuts & Washers;
    • 44 Hangers.
  • Name - Name of Dynamic CIM;
  • Dimension Type - How it will be dimensioned in the Shop Drawing, more information can be found here;
  • Treatment - Specific treatment data;
  • Countersinking - Apply additional "sinking" when inserting Dynamic CIM;
  • Rotation - Change Dynamic CIM angle.

To draw Dynamic CIM, select your Dynamic CIM definition and click "Insert", select element draw on it.

To change the length of Dynamic CIM, select Dynamic CIM and edit "IMPACT CIM Length" parameter according to your wishes.

Draw Dynamic CIM.gif

Figure 15: Drawing Cast-in Material on the Sandwich wall.

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