Copy/Move Element

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/08/30 14:25


Copy/Move Element

Copy/Move Element is a function which was developed in IMPACT Revit to ease the element design process. Currently, the Copy/Move Element function is available for the following elements: Solid walls, Sandwich walls, Insulated walls, all types of slabs, beams and columns.

Copy/Move Element function gives to the user the possibility to Copy/Move multiple elements at the same time. It provides four options: Copy Elements, Copy to Level, Move Elements, Move to Level.

Copy_move elements in IMPACT 16.png

Figure 1 - Copy/Move Elements function in IMPACT Revit 

Copy Elements: Copy Elements command can be performed by using Pick points or by specifying X Offset, Y Offset and Z Offset values. 

Copy to Level:   Copies Elements to different levels in the project. Copy to Level can also be paired with Offset option.

Move Elements: Move Elements command can be performed by using Pick points or by specifying X Offset, Y Offset and Z Offset values. 

Move to Level:   Moves Elements to different levels in the project. Move to Level can also be paired with Offset option.

X Offset [mm], Y Offset [mm] and Z Offset [mm] overview: 

Copy element in X,Y and Z axis.png

Figure 2 - Copy/Move Elements using X, Y and Z axis 

To Copy/Move Element:

1.In the following example we will use Copy/Move command to copy multiple Sandwich elements on a different level. To do so, press on the Copy/Move command from Tools section. 

2.Select the element(s) that needs to be copied/moved. When the Copy/Move Elements dialogue window pops up, select Copy to Level from the four options available. After this, select the Level where you want to copy/move the elements and press OK. 

copy move dialogue window.png

Figure 3 - Copy/Move Elements dialogue window 

Copy to Level .gif

Figure 4 - Copy to another level the Sandwich elements using Copy/Move Elements function