Linear Cast-in Material

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/05/04 17:16


Linear Cast-in Material (Linear CIM) Linear CIM is dynamic in the longitudinal direction and is mostly used for adding or removing material. The Linear CIM can be used in Joints or be added to the elements directly. 


Figure 1: Wall Gap connection with Linear CIM

Define the Linear CIM

To create a Linear CIM definition. Start with the command of "Linear CIM" and create a new definition.

1. Add a name and description and hit ok.

Define Linear CIM.gif

Figure 2: Linear CIM definition location

2. There is some general information that should be added in the dialogue for a Linear CIM. 

  • Description - short description of CIM, if needed;
  • Reference - if some sort of item number needs to be added;
  • Group - which category the linear CIM should be located under;


Figure 3: Categories available for CIM.

  • Treatment - treatment data if used;
  • Family - will fill in automatically once the family is loaded;
  • Type Name - will fill in automatically once the family is loaded;


Figure 4: Linear CIM definition general tab.

To load your Linear CIM family, you need to click "Load Family and Types". There is also a possibility to generate family from DWG by using "Generate Family From Dwg" function.

3. There is Linear CIM information that should be added in the dialogue for linear CIM. 


Figure 5: Linear CIM definition, Linear CIM tab.

MTO - how the material take-off should be handled

  • No MTO - Material take-off will not be applied;
  • Total length - sums up the total length of all dynamic CIMs with the same definition;
  • Unit length - sums up the number of dynamic CIMs with the same definition and the same length;
  • Piece - sums up the total amount of dynamic CIMs and disregard the length.

Create the Linear CIM Family