Diagonal dimensions for Walls and Slabs

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/08/30 16:25


In the latest version of IMPACT16 for Revit, it is now possible to see the diagonal dimension when generating a Shop drawing for Walls and Slabs. 

The user can control the Diagonal dimension settings in the Project Properties from the Drawings tab in Project Manager. There are 3 options available: No, Boundary and Boundary Box. 

diagonal dimension - project properties pm.png

Figure 1 - Diagonal dimension settings in Project Properties 

If the user decides to use the Boundary option, then the diagonal dimension will be placed to the outer contour of the element. 

boundary diagonal dim.png

Figure 2 - Boundary Diagonal dimension in the Shop drawing

If the user decides to use the Boundary Box option, then the diagonal dimension will be placed to the maximum mould size. 

boundary box.png

Figure 3 - Boundary Box diagonal dimension in Shop Drawing 

