IMPACT Parameters

Last modified by Linus Karlsson on 2022/02/25 09:51

To add IMPACT information from the database on shop drawings, one need to add specific parameters that will be populated with the information. The table below includes all available parameters. 

Note: Requirements:

  1. All parameters should be "Shared Parameters"
  2. All parameters except for lengths, masses, areas, and volumes should be text parameters. 
IMPACT Parameter NameIMPACT Revit Parameter Name
Project        IMPACT Project        
Project TitleProject Title        
Project DescriptionProject Description 1        
Text 3IMPACT Text 3        
Text 4IMPACT Text 4        
Text 5IMPACT Text 5        
Drawing descriptionIMPACT Drawing Description        
DrawingDrawing Prefix + IMPACT Drawing Number + Drawing Suffix
Designed ByDesigned By        
Designed DateSheet Status Date        
Checked ByChecked By        
Approved ByApproved By        
Approved DateApproved Date        
Drawing StatusSheet Status        
Drawing typeIMPACT Drawing Type        
RevisionCurrent Revision        
Sales ProjectIMPACT Sales Project        
Project ManagerIMPACT Project Manager        
Element MarkElement Mark 
Element IDElement ID        
Element TypeIMPACT Element Type        
IMPACT Element Designation  IMPACT Element Designation        
Element GroupIMPACT Group        
Element ProductIMPACT Product        
LengthElement Length        
WidthElement Width        
HeigthElement Height        
MassElement Mass
Net AreaElement Area
Gross AreaIMPACT Gross Area
Bounding Box AreaIMPACT Bounding Box Area
VolumeMaterial Volume        
HeightElement Thickness        
SumQuantity Elements        
Quantity Ready for Production    Quantity Ready for Production        
BuildingIMPACT Building        
FloorElement Level        
PhaseIMPACT Phase        
Parameters for Sandwich Elements
Inner Panel VolumeInner Panel Volume
Outer Panel VolumeOuter Panel Volume
IMPACT Mass Inner PanelIMPACT Mass Inner Panel 
IMPACT Mass Outer PanelIMPACT Mass Outer Panel
Insulation Panel VolumeInsulation Panel Volume
IMPACT Width Inner Panel        IMPACT Width Inner Panel        
IMPACT Width Outer Panel        IMPACT Width Outer Panel    
IMPACT Insulation Thickness       IMPACT Insulation Thickness    
Parameters for Double Wall Elements
IMPACT Panel 1 Volume  IMPACT Panel 1 Volume       
IMPACT Panel 2 Volume  IMPACT Panel 2 Volume
IMPACT Width Panel 1        IMPACT Width Panel 1        
IMPACT Width Panel 2        IMPACT Width Panel 2        
Parameters for Form Slab Elements
Element Thickness        Element Thickness        
Element Total Thickness Element Total Thickness
AS PrimaryIMPACT AS Primary
AS SecondaryIMPACT AS Seconday

