Slab Endcap

Last modified by Linus Karlsson on 2021/08/30 14:15

Endcap with Slope

Some endcaps for slabs need to be sloped, e.g. endcaps for balconies. It is now possible to create such endcaps in IMPACT for Revit. 


Figure 1: A sloped endcap is applied on a solid slab. 

Note: To make this work, the end of the sloping side must be horizontal. It's enough if there is a 2 mm horizontal line in the end. 


Figure 2: The sloped side needs to end with a horizontal line. 

Endcap thickness

Slab endcap creation is now smarter. You will find a new tab in the endcap settings window called "Thickness", which automatically detects endcap thickness. Before this change, it was only possible to remove material from the element. Now it is also possible to add.


Figure 3: New section "Thickness" in the endcap settings window.


Figure 4: How endcaps worked before and how they will work after Q3/2020 release.

Reinforcement boundary

It is possible to use the Reinforcement boundary setting In order to restrict the reinforcement in the slab geometry. 

Draw the reinforcement boundary in the endcap sketch as shown with a hidden line on the picture below. Afterward, press on Select Reinforcement boundary in the endcap definition and press on OK to save the definition. There is a possibility to show/hide the Reinforcement boundary in the slab definition as shown below. 


Figure 5: Reinforcement boundary in Slab endcap definition. 

Apply the endcap to the slab element via Edit Slab command, once the endcap definition with Reinforcement boundary is created. If a Reinforcement template is applied to the element, then the rebars will take the Reinforcement boundary, defined in the endcap definition, into consideration. 


Figure 6. Slab element, on which endcap definition with Reinforcement boundary and Reinforcement template has been applied. 

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