Plot Drawings

Last modified by Dennis Knudsen on 2023/12/05 11:30

When the drawings are ready, they need to be plotted. This is done in the different grids in Project Manager. Below is a walkthrough of the plot functionality. 

To be able to do that, one needs to make sure that printers and plotters are configurated

It's possible to access the plot dialog from the following tabs:

  • Drawings 
  • Element ID
  • Element Mark
  • Model view

Example from Element ID


In the plot dialog, there are some different settings to change between. 


Plot Template - Selects the template that should be used for plotting. It's possible to create multiple plot templates with different settings.

Plot using layout information - Sets if the plot settings below should be used or if the settings on the layout in AutoCAD should be used. Click Here, For more information about how this function work 


Size - Choose the paper size one wants to use for the plot.

Unites - Choose the right unit that should be used. 

Plot Area

What to Plot - Sets the plot area for the plot. The following options are available:

  • Display
  • Extents
  • Limits
  • View

If "View" is chosen then is it possible to name the view that should be plotted.

Plot Offset

X/Y - Sets if there should be an offset in the X/Y direction.

Center the Plot - Sets if the plot should be centered on the paper.

Layout - Under this option is it possible to plot all the layouts or specific layouts.

Ignore Layouts with Empty Reifnrocement views - If this is marked will it Ignore Layouts with Empty Reinforcement Views.

Drawing Orientation - If the drawing should be plotted as a Landscape or Portrait

Plot Upside-Down - Will plot the drawing Upside-Down.

PDF Merge

Merge on - It's possible to merge multiple PDF's into a gathered PDF(s).

  • Drawing Name - When this is chosen then will the Layouts for that drawing be gathered in one file
  • Element ID - The drawings for the element ID will be gathered in one PDF file
  • Single File - Gathers all the PDFs in a single file

Single file name - Sets the name on the single file

Custom AutoCAD Argument - Sets if there should be used a different AutoCAD than the one set in the Server Connect.

Plot Style Table - Sets what plot style should be used.

Number Of Copies - This allows to make multiple copies of the Plot.

Plot Scale - Sets the plot scale of the drawing.

Additional Options

Plot Element Ids - Sets if the Element IDs should be plotted, this will include the element ID number in the PDF name.

Plot Project Name - Includes the Project name in the PDF name.

Send to Plot Server - Finishing with "Send to Plot server" will send a script to the plot server and the plot server will plot the drawing. Click Here, For more information about how this function work 

Send to Plot Server (Manual Notification) - Will send the user a manual notification when the plot server is done plotting the drawings. The manual notification contains the project and standard name. 

Send to Plot Server (Automatic Notification) - Will send the user an automatic notification when the plot server is done plotting the drawings. The automatic notification contains the project and standard name.

 Send to Plot Server (Manual And Automatic Notification) - Will send the user a manual and automatic notification when the plot server is done plotting the drawings. The manual and automatic notification contains the project and standard name.