Last modified by superadmin on 2021/05/04 17:11

This variable lets the user add the top-, front- and right view of a CIM to the shop drawing automatic if the CIM is placed under the project level and drawn in the drawing. 

Added in the drawing view “33 – Project Cast-in Materials”.

Allows the user to filter out CIM of specific CIM group and set CIM views depending on the CIM group.
For example "DWGCIMVIEWCIMGRPVIEW" = "3[1];4[1,2]":
Each group is separated by ";" and the views are specified within brackets "[]", so in this case CIM group 3 is included with view 1 and CIM group 4 is included with view 1 and 2.
The view part is optional and if it's left out view 1 is used.
If "DWGCIMVIEWCIMGRPVIEW" is empty all CIM groups are included with view 1.

Example of the IMPACT default setting:

DWGCIMVIEWCIMGRPVIEW0All CIM groups are included with view 1 (In this case 3[1];5[1])


Example with a user default setting:



When a setting is changed in Standard Admin, the button "Refresh Settings and Properties" must be run for the changed settings to take place. 

The settings in Standard Admin serves as default settings when creating a new shop drawing or a new section.

After the change, the drawing must be redrawn or updated.
