Doublewall variables

Last modified by Oskar Kristinsson on 2023/11/23 15:47

Below are the variables that affect Doublewalls in IMPACT for AutoCAD 

VariableShort descriptionDefault Value
AUTOCHECKPRODUCIBILITYDOUBLEWALLDoes a producibility check automatically without creating a Unitechnik file on the following commands:
  • All the MTO commands in the element tab except "Save Symbols"
  • Generate shop drawing
  • Batch generate
  • Draw element
BRACECOLUMNWIDTHDOUBLEWALLThe maximum width of concrete that results in a centric placement of the bracing, default 1000 mm.1000
BRACEEDGEDISTANCEDOUBLEWALLThe minimum edge distance from a hole, default 150 mm.150
BRACEMAXSPACINGDOUBLEWALLIf the distance defined here is exceeded, a third bracing will be inserted between the two bracings. By default it no extra bracing will be inserted.-
COVERGIRDERSATTOPOFDOUBLEWALLPossibility to set cover for the girders to the top of the lowest shell of the Doublewall0
DWGTEXTHEIGHTENDSTOPPossibility to control the text height for endstop text.1
DWGTEXTDWHOLEMARKPREFIXA prefix for holes in doublewalls is presented. After the prefix, a number will be added, to separate different holesH
DWGTEXTDWHOLELABELDOORLabel seen when adding a door opening on a floor planD
DWGTEXTDWHOLELABELWINDOWLabel seen when adding a window opening on a floor planW
AUTOEXPORTUNITECHNIKDOUBLEWALLExports a Unitechnik file automatically on the following commands: Generate/Update shop drawing & Update reinforcement0
PLACEGIRDERFROMCENTROIDDOUBLEWALLDetermines if the girders should start being placed from the left side, default (0), or if the girders should start being placed in the center of gravity and continued to the sides (1)0
PLOTGIRDERINPANEL2DOUBLEWALLControls if the girders should be seen in panel 2. Note, this only works for IMPACT for Revit and not for IMPACT for CAD since version 16. It is controlled from the "Layer Standard" for IMPACT for CAD.0
SEPARATEDIMNBRSINPANEL2DOUBLEWALL Splits the dimension line number and the table of cast-in materials for each panel.0