
Last modified by Adam Carlson on 2022/01/20 14:08


This block is showing a scissor symbol on the slabs that are not yet drawn and that does not have the full width.

The standard name of the block is _uCutSlab, this name can not be changed.

How the block works

When drawing multiple slabs at once some slabs do not have the full width.

To illustrate what slabs will be cut a scissor symbol will be shown.


The cut slabs can be moved back and forth based on your plan to get the best fit.

Below is a picture of how it looks on a plan drawing.


The Block

The block is located under ...\Standard\1100\1100\templates_drawings. 1100 must be replaced with your company number. 

If the block is not needed, the dwg can be removed from the folder and it will not be shown.

Download the block

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