
Last modified by Adam Carlson on 2022/01/20 14:13


This block shows different alerts for formslabs depending on how it is set up.

The standard name of the block is _ualert, this block name can not be changed.

Setup in Standard admin

Information about this block has to be set up partially in Standard admin and to find that you follow these steps:

There are a few variables that have to be set up for this to work.
Open standard admin, unfold Local under the settings section then select variables.

To find information about the variables and how to set them up press here.


Based on these parameters the warning block will react to the given information, in my case, I have CIM 0804 in the element and because that element is listed in the variables as ALERT_0804 the value will be shown in the shop drawing. I also have a different cover for the reinforcement and the casting view should be aware of that. 

Here is a picture showing the warnings on this shop drawing.



The attributes that can be used with this block will be presented below.

Attributes have to be created similar to the picture below.


When editing an attribute, "Tag" is the attribute name from the tables below and "Prompt" is the description for the attribute if that is desired.

Attributes that can be used for this block

These attributes can be used for this block.




The Block

The block is located under ...\Standard\1100\1100\templates_drawings. 1100 must be replaced with your company number. 

If the block is not needed, the dwg can be removed from the folder and it will not be shown.

The design of the block can almost be as you desire. Some of the attributes are from the listing above, these attributes are getting information from the database.

Other attributes in the block are from the specifications and are set in the template or on the individual drawings.

One thing that you have to be aware of is that the insert point of the attribute has to be inside the block frame.

This is how the standard Strusoft block looks like in a drawing


And here is the block itself


Download the block

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