Formslab variables
Last modified by Adam Carlson on 2024/07/19 12:50
Below are the variables that affect Formslabs in IMPACT for AutoCAD
Variable | Short description | Default Value |
AUTOCHECKPRODUCIBILITYFORMSLAB | Does a producibility check automatically without creating a Unitechnik file on the following commands:
| 0 |
DWGGROUPEQUALHOLESFORMSLAB | Decides if same-sized holes should be named separately or together. The default is that they are named together | 1 |
DWGMTOLIFTSFORMSLAB | Possibility to get the lift points for FormSlab in the cast in material specification by setting the variable to 1. Default is 0. | 0 |
DWGTEXTFSRCOVERLAP | Text and values that write out when reinforcement bars are sticking out on the short side of the form slab | Overlap %.0lf mm |
DWGTEXTFSFILLMARKPREFIX | A prefix for fillings in form slabs is presented. After the prefix, a number will be added, to separate different holes | F |
DWGTEXTFSHOLEMARKPREFIX | A prefix for holes in form slabs is presented. After the prefix, a number will be added, to separate different holes | H |
DWGTEXTHEIGHTENDSTOPPLANDWGFORMSLAB | Changes the text height for end stops for form slabs in plan drawings. The value is multiplied with the scale of the drawing which results in the text height. | 2.8 |
DWGTEXTHEIGHTENDSTOPSHOPDWGFORMSLAB | Changes the text height for end stops for form slabs in shop drawings. The value is multiplied with the scale of the drawing which results in the text height. | 2.8 |
AUTOEXPORTUNITECHNIKFORMSLAB | Exports a Unitechnik file automatically on the following commands: Generate/Update shop drawing & Update reinforcement | 0 |
UNITECHNIKPLACINGSYMBOLASMOUNTPART | Place a symbol as a mount part on unitechnik export | 0 |
UNITECHNIKLIFTSYMBOLASMOUNTPART | Place a lift symbol as a mount part on unitechnik export | 0 |
DWGMOULDSIDESYMBOLSIDESFORMSLAB | Define which molded symbol is shown in the shop drawing | 0 |
Alert text for Formslab | Various alert text for Formslabs on shop drawings | 0 |
NOTIFICATIONLIFTPOINTHOLEFORMSLAB | Notification if there is a lift point inside a hole | 0 |
NOTIFICATIONNBROFLIFTSFORMSLAB | Notification if the lifting points are not significant | 0 |
DWGDIMLIFTFORMSLAB | Controls if lifts in form slab should be dimensioned or not | 1 |
MINWIDTHFORMSLAB | Sets the minimum width when drawing form slabs | 10 |
MINWIDTHFORMSLABINSULATION | Sets the minimum width of each insulation piece that can be added to form slabs | 20 |
VALIDEDGECUTFORMSLAB | Outer geometry turns red if the element width is narrower then the one set in the definition. If the variable has one or more approved edges in standard admin, the form slab outer geometry will be presented as green. | 0 |
DWGDIMLIFTSFORMSLAB | Gives you the possibility to turn off the dimension for lifting points | 1 |
DWGDIMSTRANDSFORMSLAB | Gives you the option so turn off the dimension for stands | 1 |
DWGTEXTSTRANDFORMSLAB | Info in the reinforcement view for the strands. | 0 |
SHORINGLAYOUTDIMSTYLE | Defines which dimension style should be used when drawing a "shoring layout" | Current dimension style |
FORMSLAB_LOOSE_BARS_ALERT_TEXT | Adds an alert text on the drawing if any bars are not part of "Primary", "Secondary" or "Mesh". |