Slab variables

Version 16.2 by Niklas Palmgren on 2018/10/24 09:28

Below are the variables that affect slabs in IMPACT for AutoCAD

Solid slab

VariableShort descriptionTypeExample valueDefault value

Hollow core

VariableShort descriptionTypeExample valueDefault value
HCSMINIMUMCUTGAPControls gap between hollow core elements 0  

Form slab

VariableShort descriptionTypeExample valueDefault value
FORMSLAB_OVERLAP_GIRDER_LENGTHSet up the length of the overlap girder0A number 
DWGDIMLIFTFORMSLABControls if lifts in form slab should be dimensioned or not00/11
MINWIDTHFORMSLABINSULATIONSet the minimum width if each insulation piece that can be added to form slabs.0A number20
AUTOEXPORTUNITECHNIKFORMSLABAutomatically export to Unitechnik when the element is updated.00/10

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