Wall variables
Last modified by Strahinja Jovicevic on 2024/08/19 09:52
Below are the variables that affect walls in IMPACT for AutoCAD
Variable | Short description | Default value |
BRACEABOVEOPENING | Determines if bracing anchors can be placed over openings or not (1/0). Note, this isn’t implemented for Double Walls! | 0 |
DWGCENTERSIDESYMBOLSWALL | Possibility to place element side number at the center of the wall | 0 |
DWGTEXTINNERPANELOFFSET | Panels with different heights can be dimensioned. Note, works only for sandwich and insulated walls. | 0 |
DWGTEXTOUTERPANELOFFSET | Panels with different heights can be dimensioned. Note, works only for sandwich and insulated walls. | 0 |
DWGTEXTHEIGHTENDCAPSECTIONWALL | Controls the height of the text in the labels for the wall endcaps in sections. | 4 |
DWGTEXTHEIGHTENDCAPOPENINGWALL | Controls the height of the text in the labels for the wall endcaps in openings. | 3.5 |
Added in IMPACT 17 Controls the height of the text in the labels for the wall opening endcaps on the elevation drawing. | 1.5 | |
DWGTEXTHEIGHTENDCAPELEVATIONWALL | Controls the height of the text in the labels for the wall endcaps on the elevation drawing. | 1 |
DWGTEXTHEIGHTOPENINGMARKWALL | Controls the height of the text for the opening in a wall (elevation view in shop drawings) | 5 |
DWGTEXTINNERPANEL | Controls the text string that labels the dimension for Inner panel of the wall | IP |
DWGTEXTMEPKEYITEMBACK | Controls the text string that indicates that the MEP-key item is located on the back of the wall. This is written out when the item is on the opposite side. | FF |
DWGTEXTMEPKEYITEMFRONT | Controls the text string that indicates that the MEP-key item is located on the front of the wall. This is written out when the item is on the opposite side. | NF |
DWGTEXTMEPKEYITEMLEFT | Controls the text string that indicates that the MEP-key item is located on the left side of the wall. This is written out when the item is on the opposite side. | LS |
DWGTEXTMEPKEYITEMRIGHT | Controls the text string that indicates that the MEP-key item is located on the right side of the wall. This is written out when the item is on the opposite side. | RS |
DWGTEXTOUTERPANEL | Controls the text string that labels the dimension for outer panel of the wall | OP |
DWGTEXTPANELTHICKENING | Controls label for panel thickening dimensions | T |
DWGTEXTRADIUS | Dimension of radius for top edge of openings | R |
DWGDIM | Enables customized selection of dimension lines | |
DWGTEXTHEIGHTOPENINGMARKWALL | This variable controls the text height of openings, the window/door text, specified in the draw/edit opening command. | 1,5 |
DWGTEXTWALLTIEID | Wall POS name is added to the "Wall tie block" under the attribute "ID" | B$NBR |
DWGWALLSUPRESSHATCHELEVATION | Suppress hatch patterns in elevation views. | 0 (Draw hatch) |
DWGWALLSUPRESSHATCHSECTION | Suppress hatch patterns in section views. | 0 (Draw hatch) |
DWGTEXTMEPKEYITEM | Text string to indicate that the MEP key item is located on the back/front of the wall. | |
Controls if cross markings are going to be drawn in the shop drawing | 1 | |
LIFTCENTROIDOFFSETWALL | If there is a small change to the center of gravity (recess) then the lifts should not change their position if the change is lesser than 10, default value, or any custom value | 10 |
NOTIFICATIONLIFTBYUSERWALL | Warning message if lifts are set to "by user" for walls | 0 |
PLACELIFTATCENTERSOLIDWALL | Changes the behavior of the lifts, they either follow the center of gravity or the center of the wall | 0 |
MEPKEYRECESSMTO | Controls if recesses from MEP-keys will be presented in the table of holes | 0 |
MEPPREVIEWDEFAULTELEMENTHEIGHT | Controls the element height on an MEP key preview picture | 3000 |
MEPPREVIEWDEFAULTCEILINGLEVEL | Controls the ceiling level on an MEP key preview picture | 2800 |
MEPPREVIEWDEFAULTFLOORLEVEL | Controls the floor level on an MEP key preview picture | 200 |
BRACEEDGEDISTANCE | Moves bracing when placed in opening | 150 |
BRACECOLUMNWIDTH | Moves bracing when placed between two edges | 1000 |
SINGLESECTIONSWALL | Only adds one section in each direction for walls | 0 |
DWGSHOWSINGLESECTIONNAMEWALL | Enables letters on each section arrow | 1 |
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONMEPKEYALL | Sets if "Include all MEP key" should be marked as default in the horizontal section | 0 |
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONMEPKEYDIM | Sets if "Dimension MEP key" should be marked as default in the horizontal section | 0 |
DWGWALLHORZFIRSTSECTIONMEPKEYALL | Sets "Include all MEP Key" for the first horizontal section added to the wall | 0 |
DWGWALLHORZFIRSTSECTIONMEPKEYDIM | Sets "Dimension MEP Key" for the first horizontal section added to the wall | 0 |
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONMEPKEYALL | Sets if "Include all MEP key" should be marked as default in the vertical section | 0 |
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONMEPKEYDIM | Sets if "Dimension MEP key" should be marked as default in the vertical section | 0 |
DWGWALLVERTFIRSTSECTIONMEPKEYALL | Sets "Include all MEP Key" for the first vertical section added to the wall | 0 |
DWGWALLVERTFIRSTSECTIONMEPKEYDIM | Sets "Dimension MEP Key" for the first vertical section added to the wall | 0 |
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONCIM | Sets if "Show cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the horizontal section | 1 |
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONCIMDIM | Sets if dimension line for cast-in materials on walls' horizontal sections should be added. | 0 |
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONCIM | Sets if "Show cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the vertical section | 1 |
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONCIMDIM | Sets if dimension line for cast-in materials on walls' vertical sections should be added. | 0 |
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONRC | Sets if "Show reinforcement" should be marked as default in the horizontal section | 1 |
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONRC | Sets if "Show reinforcement" should be marked as default in the vertical section | 1 |
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONCIMALL | Sets if "Include all cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the horizontal section | 0 |
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONCIMALL | Sets if "Include all cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the vertical section | 0 |
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONRCALL | Sets if "Include all reinforcement" should be marked as default in the horizontal section | 0 |
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONRCALL | Sets if "Include all reinforcement" should be marked as default in the vertical section | 0 |
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEAFTER | Sets the "tolerance after" value for the CIM, horizontal section | 200 |
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEBEFORE | Sets the "tolerance before" value for the CIM, horizontal section | 50 |
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONRCTOLERANCEAFTER | Sets the "tolerance after" value for the reinforcement, horizontal section | 10 |
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONRCTOLERANCEBEFORE | Sets the "tolerance before" value for the reinforcement, horizontal section | 10 |
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEAFTER | Sets the "tolerance after" value for the CIM, vertical section | 200 |
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEBEFORE | Sets the "tolerance before" value for the CIM, vertical section | 50 |
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONRCTOLERANCEAFTER | Sets the "tolerance after" value for the reinforcement, vertical section | 10 |
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONRCTOLERANCEBEFORE | Sets the "tolerance before" value for the reinforcement, vertical section | 10 |
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONGAP | Sets the distance between two horizontal sections. The default value is 10*drawing scale | 10 |
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONGAP | Sets the distance between two vertical sections. The default value is 10*drawing scale | 10 |
DWGTEXTWINDOW | Add a text to an opening dimension | |
DWGTEXTDOOR | Add a text to an opening dimension | |
NOTIFICATIONFREEZEDRAWINGVIEW | Will freeze elevation in shop drawing | 2 |
Controls if an endcap will be visible, on the wireframe presentation, when having a cut out opening on the edge of a wall | 0 | |
ANNOTATIONBYMOULDSIDEWALL | Controls the sides on a wall when the wall is rotated on shop drawing | 0 |
VERTSECTIONWALLNODOOR | Adds an extra vertical section for walls if there is a door where the first section is taken | 1 |
Determines what visible (boundary) lines should be shown | 0 |
Insulated Wall
Variable | Short description | Default value |
AUTOCHECKPRODUCIBILITYINSULATEDWALL | Does a producibility check automatically without creating a Unitechnik file on the following commands:
| 0 |
AUTOEXPORTUNITECHNIKINSULATEDWALL | Exports a Unitechnik file automatically on the following commands:
| 0 |
Sandwich Wall
Variable | Short description | Default value |
AUTOCHECKPRODUCIBILITYSANDWICH | Does a producibility check automatically without creating a Unitechnik file on the following commands:
| 0 |
AUTOEXPORTUNITECHNIKSANDWICH | Exports a Unitechnik file automatically on the following commands:
| 0 |
FRONTWALLPANELVOLUMEFACTOR | Safety factor for front panel concrete volume die to shrinkage of Insulation | 1.01 |
DWGTEXTCENTEROFGRAVITYBACKWALL | Writes out a custom name and the thickness of the far face wall | 0 |
DWGTEXTCENTEROFGRAVITYFRONTWALL | Writes out a custom name and the thickness of the near face wall | 0 |
DWGTEXTCIMANNOTATIONBACKDISTANCE | Writes out the CIM distance from the back | , X=(distance) |
DWGTEXTCIMANNOTATIONFRONTDISTANCE | Writes out the CIM distance from the front | , X=(distance) |
PLACELIFTATCENTERINNERPANEL | Changes the behavior of the lifts, they either follow the center of gravity or the center of the wall | 0 |
Solid Wall
Variable | Short description | Default value |
AUTOCHECKPRODUCIBILITYSOLIDWALL | Does a producibility check automatically without creating a Unitechnik file on the following commands:
| 0 |
AUTOEXPORTUNITECHNIKSOLIDWALL | Exports a Unitechnik file automatically on the following commands:
| 0 |
SHOWPANELTHICKENINGPROPSSEPARATE | Extracts panel thickening from the total volume and adds it as a separate value in the shop drawing. | 0 |
WALLTIESBRICKLAYER | Set the default value of the “Bricklayer height” in the dialog box | 0 |