Wall variables

Last modified by Strahinja Jovicevic on 2024/08/19 09:52

Below are the variables that affect walls in IMPACT for AutoCAD


VariableShort descriptionDefault value
BRACEABOVEOPENINGDetermines if bracing anchors can be placed over openings or not (1/0). Note, this isn’t implemented for Double Walls!0
DWGCENTERSIDESYMBOLSWALLPossibility to place element side number at the center of the wall0
DWGTEXTINNERPANELOFFSETPanels with different heights can be dimensioned. Note, works only for sandwich and insulated walls.  0
DWGTEXTOUTERPANELOFFSETPanels with different heights can be dimensioned. Note, works only for sandwich and insulated walls. 0
DWGTEXTHEIGHTENDCAPSECTIONWALLControls the height of the text in the labels for the wall endcaps in sections.4
DWGTEXTHEIGHTENDCAPOPENINGWALLControls the height of the text in the labels for the wall endcaps in openings.3.5

Added in IMPACT 17

Controls the height of the text in the labels for the wall opening endcaps on the elevation drawing.

DWGTEXTHEIGHTENDCAPELEVATIONWALLControls the height of the text in the labels for the wall endcaps on the elevation drawing.1
DWGTEXTHEIGHTOPENINGMARKWALLControls the height of the text for the opening in a wall (elevation view in shop drawings)5
DWGTEXTINNERPANELControls the text string that labels the dimension for Inner panel of the wallIP
DWGTEXTMEPKEYITEMBACKControls the text string that indicates that the MEP-key item is located on the back of the wall. This is written out when the item is on the opposite side.FF
DWGTEXTMEPKEYITEMFRONTControls the text string that indicates that the MEP-key item is located on the front of the wall. This is written out when the item is on the opposite side.NF
DWGTEXTMEPKEYITEMLEFTControls the text string that indicates that the MEP-key item is located on the left side of the wall. This is written out when the item is on the opposite side.LS
DWGTEXTMEPKEYITEMRIGHTControls the text string that indicates that the MEP-key item is located on the right side of the wall. This is written out when the item is on the opposite side.RS
DWGTEXTOUTERPANELControls the text string that labels the dimension for outer panel of the wallOP
DWGTEXTPANELTHICKENINGControls label for panel thickening dimensionsT
DWGTEXTRADIUSDimension of radius for top edge of openingsR
DWGDIMEnables customized selection of dimension lines 
DWGTEXTHEIGHTOPENINGMARKWALLThis variable controls the text height of openings, the window/door text, specified in the draw/edit opening command.1,5
DWGTEXTWALLTIEIDWall POS name is added to the "Wall tie block" under the attribute "ID"B$NBR
DWGWALLSUPRESSHATCHELEVATIONSuppress hatch patterns in elevation views.0 (Draw hatch)
DWGWALLSUPRESSHATCHSECTIONSuppress hatch patterns in section views.    0 (Draw hatch)
DWGTEXTMEPKEYITEMText string to indicate that the MEP key item is located on the back/front of the wall. 

Controls if cross markings are going to be drawn in the shop drawing

LIFTCENTROIDOFFSETWALLIf there is a small change to the center of gravity (recess) then the lifts should not change their position if the change is lesser than 10, default value, or any custom value10
NOTIFICATIONLIFTBYUSERWALLWarning message if lifts are set to "by user" for walls0
PLACELIFTATCENTERSOLIDWALLChanges the behavior of the lifts, they either follow the center of gravity or the center of the wall0
MEPKEYRECESSMTOControls if recesses from MEP-keys will be presented in the table of holes0
MEPPREVIEWDEFAULTELEMENTHEIGHTControls the element height on an MEP key preview picture 


MEPPREVIEWDEFAULTCEILINGLEVELControls the ceiling level on an MEP key preview picture 2800
MEPPREVIEWDEFAULTFLOORLEVELControls the floor level on an MEP key preview picture 200
BRACEEDGEDISTANCEMoves bracing when placed in opening150
BRACECOLUMNWIDTHMoves bracing when placed between two edges1000
SINGLESECTIONSWALLOnly adds one section in each direction for walls0
DWGSHOWSINGLESECTIONNAMEWALLEnables letters on each section arrow1
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONMEPKEYALLSets if "Include all MEP key" should be marked as default in the horizontal section 0
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONMEPKEYDIMSets if "Dimension MEP key" should be marked as default in the horizontal section 0
DWGWALLHORZFIRSTSECTIONMEPKEYALLSets "Include all MEP Key"  for the first horizontal section added to the wall0
DWGWALLHORZFIRSTSECTIONMEPKEYDIMSets "Dimension MEP Key" for the first horizontal section added to the wall0
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONMEPKEYALLSets if "Include all MEP key" should be marked as default in the vertical section 0
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONMEPKEYDIMSets if "Dimension MEP key" should be marked as default in the vertical section0
DWGWALLVERTFIRSTSECTIONMEPKEYALLSets "Include all MEP Key"  for the first vertical section added to the wall0
DWGWALLVERTFIRSTSECTIONMEPKEYDIMSets "Dimension MEP Key" for the first vertical section added to the wall0
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONCIMSets if "Show cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the horizontal section 1
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONCIMDIMSets if dimension line for cast-in materials on walls' horizontal sections should be added.0
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONCIMSets if "Show cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the vertical section1
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONCIMDIMSets if dimension line for cast-in materials on walls' vertical sections should be added.0
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONRCSets if "Show reinforcement" should be marked as default in the horizontal section1
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONRCSets if "Show reinforcement" should be marked as default in the vertical section1
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONCIMALLSets if "Include all cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the horizontal section 0
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONCIMALLSets if "Include all cast-in materials" should be marked as default in the vertical section0
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONRCALLSets if "Include all reinforcement" should be marked as default in the horizontal section0
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONRCALLSets if "Include all reinforcement" should be marked as default in the vertical section0
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEAFTERSets the "tolerance after" value for the CIM, horizontal section 200
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEBEFORESets the "tolerance before" value for the CIM, horizontal section 50
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONRCTOLERANCEAFTERSets the "tolerance after" value for the reinforcement, horizontal section 10
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONRCTOLERANCEBEFORESets the "tolerance before" value for the reinforcement, horizontal section 10
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEAFTERSets the "tolerance after" value for the CIM, vertical section 200
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONCIMTOLERANCEBEFORESets the "tolerance before" value for the CIM, vertical section50
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONRCTOLERANCEAFTERSets the "tolerance after" value for the reinforcement, vertical section 10
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONRCTOLERANCEBEFORESets the "tolerance before" value for the reinforcement, vertical section 10
DWGWALLHORZSECTIONGAPSets the distance between two horizontal sections. The default value is 10*drawing scale10
DWGWALLVERTSECTIONGAPSets the distance between two vertical sections. The default value is 10*drawing scale10
DWGTEXTWINDOWAdd a text to an opening dimension 
DWGTEXTDOORAdd a text to an opening dimension 
NOTIFICATIONFREEZEDRAWINGVIEWWill freeze elevation in shop drawing2
Controls if an endcap will be visible, on the wireframe presentation, when having a cut out opening on the edge of a wall0
ANNOTATIONBYMOULDSIDEWALLControls the sides on a wall when the wall is rotated on shop drawing0
VERTSECTIONWALLNODOORAdds an extra vertical section for walls if there is a door where the first section is taken1
Determines what visible (boundary) lines should be shown0

Insulated Wall

VariableShort descriptionDefault value
AUTOCHECKPRODUCIBILITYINSULATEDWALLDoes a producibility check automatically without creating a Unitechnik file on the following commands:
  • All the MTO commands in the element tab except "Save Symbols"
  • Generate shop drawing
  • Batch generate
  • Draw element
AUTOEXPORTUNITECHNIKINSULATEDWALLExports a Unitechnik file automatically on the following commands:
  • All the MTO commands in the element tab except "Save Symbols"
  • Generate shop drawing
  • Batch generate
  • Draw element

Sandwich Wall

VariableShort descriptionDefault value
AUTOCHECKPRODUCIBILITYSANDWICHDoes a producibility check automatically without creating a Unitechnik file on the following commands:
  • All the MTO commands in the element tab except "Save Symbols"
  • Generate shop drawing
  • Batch generate
  • Draw element
AUTOEXPORTUNITECHNIKSANDWICHExports a Unitechnik file automatically on the following commands:
  • All the MTO commands in the element tab except "Save Symbols"
  • Generate shop drawing
  • Batch generate
  • Draw element
FRONTWALLPANELVOLUMEFACTORSafety factor for front panel concrete volume die to shrinkage of Insulation1.01
DWGTEXTCENTEROFGRAVITYBACKWALLWrites out a custom name and the thickness of the far face wall0
DWGTEXTCENTEROFGRAVITYFRONTWALLWrites out a custom name and the thickness of the near face wall0
DWGTEXTCIMANNOTATIONBACKDISTANCEWrites out the CIM distance from the back, X=(distance)
DWGTEXTCIMANNOTATIONFRONTDISTANCEWrites out the CIM distance from the front, X=(distance)
PLACELIFTATCENTERINNERPANELChanges the behavior of the lifts, they either follow the center of gravity or the center of the wall0

Solid Wall

VariableShort descriptionDefault value
AUTOCHECKPRODUCIBILITYSOLIDWALLDoes a producibility check automatically without creating a Unitechnik file on the following commands:
  • All the MTO commands in the element tab except "Save Symbols"
  • Generate shop drawing
  • Batch generate
  • Draw element
AUTOEXPORTUNITECHNIKSOLIDWALLExports a Unitechnik file automatically on the following commands:
  • All the MTO commands in the element tab except "Save Symbols"
  • Generate shop drawing
  • Batch generate
  • Draw element
SHOWPANELTHICKENINGPROPSSEPARATEExtracts panel thickening from the total volume and adds it as a separate value in the shop drawing.0
WALLTIESBRICKLAYER Set the default value of the “Bricklayer height” in the dialog box0