Edit beam end

Last modified by Linus Karlsson on 2024/07/09 15:13


In a previous chapter, we added holes in the beam ends so that we could connect the beams and columns. If we take a closer look, the beam end hole and socket in the corbel isn't aligning. This needs to be fixed. 

beam - edit hole to socket.png

Figure 1. Beam end hole and corbel socket isn't aligning. 

Go to IMPACT - Elements - Edit Beam to start the command.

Select the beam and continue with 'finish'. 

We need to move the hole 80mm closer to the end of the beam.

beam - edit hole disst.png

Figure 2. Distance between the hole and the socket. 

Go to the tab 'Ends' and change the value for L1 under 'Fixing' to 80mm on both sides.

beam - edit hole edit.png

Figure 3. Edit beam ends. 

Even if we did a small change of the element, IMPACT ask you if you want to update the lifts in the element. Since we haven't done any modifications to the lifts, we can answer 'Update' to this question.

Beam -edit hole upd lift.png

Figure 4. Update lifts.

The hole and socket is now aligning.

beam - edit hole res.png

Figure 5. Hole and socket aligning.

The beam is ready to be saved. 

Go to IMPACT - Elements - Save Beams to start the command. 

Select the beam and continue with the 'ECS' key. End with 'Save'.

beam - edit save.png

Figure 6. Save beam.

Next: Copy elements
