Edit boundary
Sometimes, the slabs needs to be modified due to e.g. revisions. This exercise will show how to handle such a situation.
There is a revision of the external reference. Import this to the model.
Open Level 2.
Go to Insert - Link - Link CAD to import the DWG reference.
Figure 1. Import DWG reference
Find the file 'Lev_2_Arch_xref_Walls-Slabs_Revision.dwg'. To make sure that the scale is ok, change the 'Import units' to 'millimeter'. Finish with 'Open'.
Figure 2. Link the file and change the units.
The external reference will appear in the plan drawing, on top of the previous external reference. The old one needs to be inactivated.
Go to View - Graphics - Visibility/Graphics and select the tab "Imported Categories". Uncheck the box in front of the 'Lev_2_Arch_xref_Walls-Slabs.dwg'.
Figure 3. Inactivate old external reference.
Now, it's easy to see that there is a hole in the floor next to grid 2 and G.
Figure 4. Revision on level 2.
Go to IMPACT - Elements - Edit Boundary to start the command.
Select the slab that needs to be edited.
A message pops up to inform that this command only works with the line type 'IMPACT Sketch Lines'. Continue with 'Close'.
It can be a bit difficult to see the boundary lines. In the top left of the ribbon, there is a command called 'Thin Lines'. Deactivate that command. Then the lines will be thicker and easier to see.
Figure 5. Deactivate Thin Lines.
Figure 6. Thin lines vs thick lines.
The next step is to modify the boundary. Do that by editing the length of the current lines and add new lines. Note: Make sure that the new lines have the line style 'IMPACT Sketch Lines'.
Figure 7. Edit the boundary.
To finish the edit command, click 'OK' in the right of the IMPACT ribbon.
Figure 8. Finish the command.
The slab is now modified according to the revision.
Figure 9. Modified slab.
The endcaps needs to be modified as well.
Go to IMPACT - Elements - Edit Slabs to start the command.
Select the modified slab and continue with 'Finish'. Modify the endcaps according to Figure 10. End the edit with 'OK'.
Figure 10. Edit slab endcaps.
Figure 11. Slab ready to be saved.
The slab is ready to be saved.
Go to IMPACT - Elements - Save Slabs to start the command.
Select the modified slab and continue with the 'ECS' key. End with 'Save'.
Figure 10. Save slab.