Draw beams

Last modified by Linus Karlsson on 2024/03/27 11:25

We are now going to draw a beam. Go to level 2 and find gridline 2 between A and B. 
place xfre beam.png

Figure 1. The place to draw the beam.

Go to IMPACT - Elements - Draw Beam to start the command. 

Select the Inverted Tee beam 'IT58' on the project level.

Beam def.png

Figure 2. Select the beam definition.

Before drawing the beam, ensure that the 'Placement Plane' is set to 'Level: Level 2' in the green ribbon above the model view.

draw beam 1.png

Figure 3. Configure settings before drawing the beam.

To get some space between the columns and the beam, set the start and end extension to -20 mm.

draw beam ext.png
Figure 4. Set the extension.

Draw the beam on gridline 2 between columns on A and B.

draw beam.gif

Figure 5. Draw beam.

We are just going to draw one beam for now. End the command with 'Esc'.

To make sure that the beam is fixed on the columns we are going to add soon, we need to add some recess at the ends of the beam. This will be done in the next step. 

Next: Add beam end

