Add column shoes
To attach the bottom of the columns, we will use the column shoes. These can be applied as loose cast-in materials, but we will use something called connection.
Go to IMPACT - Components - Insert Connection to start the command.
Select the 'Rect 4 HKPM' and finish with 'OK'.
Figure 1. Select column shoes.
Pick the bottom face of one of the columns.
Figure 2. Select the bottom of the column.
The column shoes are added, but they are rotated. Select the set of column shoes and switch the values for width and height in the properties window.
Figure 3. Edit the measurements so that the column shoes fit the column.
The column shoes are now placed correct. Repeat the steps above on the second column.
Figure 4. Both columns have column shoes.
Both columns have received column shoes. The next step is to add reinforcement to the columns and corbels. But first, we need to see the whole model again. Just remove the selection box by unchecking the 'Section Box' in the properties window.
Figure 9. Uncheck section box.
Figure 10. The whole model is visible.
Next: Add reinforcement