Add core filling
The two slabs closest to the middle of the building have recesses that are weakening the slab end because the recess is very close to two of the cores. To add strength, we'll add some core fillings.
Figure 1. Slabs with recesses.
Figure 2. Cores close to recess.
Go to IMPACT - Elements - Core Filling to start the command.
Start with selecting the left slab.
When you get the prompt to 'Pick corner points', select one point on the boundary of the slab, but outside the core that we are adding the core filling to. Note: it's important that the first point is in the border of the slab, and not inside or outside.
Figure 3. Pick corner points.
Depending on what points you clicked, you will get different amount of suggested cores to fill. In our case, we will only fill cores 3 and 6. Delete the other ones.
Figure 4. Delete suggested cores.
Change the length to 800mm.
Figure 5. Change the length.
End the command with 'OK'.
The core fillings are now added. Do the same for the slab on the right side.
Figure 6. Slabs with core fillings.
Next: Edit hollow core