Reinforcement variables

Last modified by Oskar Kristinsson on 2024/04/30 11:07

Below are the variables that affect IMPACT Reinforcement. 


VariableShort description Default value
AWAY_SYMBOL_SIZEControls the size of away symbols for reinforcement groups and reinforcement columns/beams. Can also be seen in the reinforcement group view 303*drawing scale
AREA_MESH_VIEW_JUSTIFICATIONSets the justification of the View 43TR
BAR_MESH_VIEW_AWAY_SYMBOL_SIZEControls the size of away symbols for reinforcement bends in view 442.0
BAR_MESH_VIEW_AWAY_SYMBOL_TYPEControls the symbol for the bent bars in view 44 when facing away1
BAR_MESH_VIEW_JUSTIFICATIONSets the justification of the View 44TR
BAR_MESH_BENDING_DETAIL_SCALESets the scale of the bending details drawn1.5
BAR_MESH_MLEADER_ARROW_NAMEThe name of the block to be used as arrow for the leaders, default - which means the block used in the multileader style is used-
BAR_MESH_MLEADER_ARROW_SIZESets the size of the block to be used as arrow for the leaders1
BAR_MESH_MLEADER_STYLESets the name of the Multileader style to be used for the leadersStandard
BAR_MESH_VIEW_RADIUS_MLEADER_ARROW_NAMEThe name of the block to be used as arrow for the leaders when adding a radius to the detailing for the bend_ClosedFilled
BAR_MESH_VIEW_RADIUS_MLEADER_ARROW_SIZESets the size of the block to be used as arrow for the leaders when adding a radius to the detailing for the bend1.0
BAR_MESH_VIEW_RADIUS_MLEADER_STYLESets the name for the Multileader when adding a radius to the detailing for the bend, default - which means variable "BAR_MESH_MLEADER_STYLE" will be used.-
BAR_MESH_VIEW_TOWARDS_SYMBOL_SIZEControls the size of towards symbols for reinforcement bends in view 442.0
BAR_MESH_VIEW_TOWARDS_SYMBOL_TYPEControls the symbol for the bent bars in view 44 when faced towards2
BAR_MESH_VIEW_SINGLE_LEADER_SYMMETRICAL_BARSets if the Dimension lines in view 44 should be grouped for Symmetrical bars1
BARMARK_STRAIGHT_BARControls if barmarks should be set automatically for straight bars$NR[1]
BARMARK_STIRRUPControls if barmarks should be set automatically for stirrups$SHAPE$NR[1]
CUT_BARS_USING_CIM_SIZE_DATAEither use definition values or block bounding box when cutting bars for CIM in bar mesh for FormSlab and DoubleWall. Default (0) used the block bounding box and (1) uses the CIM data.0
DEFAULT_BAR_ENDControls automatic end marks(Variable not added)
DEFAULT_BAR_HOOK_NDecides which endhook should be used for the shape code N when the commands "Draw reinforcement beam", "Draw reinforcement column" and "Draw reinforcement Endcap" are usednone
Controls the symbol for the diameter for straight bars in sections
DEFAULT_MEASURE_TOLERANCEThe variable is used to set the value for the "Measure tolerance" box when match barmark shows up when doing a "material take off and redraw element"10
DEFAULT_SPACING_TEXTThe variable sets the spacing text for the reinforcement figure, if omitted it defaults to SS
DEFAULT_TEXT_STYLEThe variable sets the designation style, if omitted it defaults to SSSS
DWGRCMESHSYMBOLTYPESwitch between how the mesh should be presented as a symbol0
DWGTEXTRCSCHEDULECUTLENGTHControls the text for the cut length in the cut length scheduleKLIPPL
DWGTEXTRCSCHEDULERCWIDTHControls the text for the length of the bended mesh in the reinforcement scheduleL
END_DIRECTION_NORMALPossibility to set a text/number value for the endmarks (direction normal) directions in the reinforcement bending report(No value)
END_DIRECTION_OPPOSITEPossibility to set a text/number value for the endmarks (direction opposite) directions in the reinforcement bending report(No value)
GROUP_CUT_MESHDecides if the "Cut mesh" box should be unticked (default 0) or ticked (1)0
GROUP_BARMARK_STRAIGHT_BARControls the automatic text of straight bars in reinforcement groups shown in the reinforcement schedule.$SHAPE
GROUP_CLASH_DETECTIONPossibility to get a clash detection between reinforcement groups and recesses and cast-in materials by setting the variable to 1. The clash detection is performed in commands "MTO Reinforcement" and "MTO All"0
Controls default finning material for reinforcement groups.none
GROUP_FROZEN_COLOR_RGBShows a freezed reinforcement group by changing the color of it. Default is green color- (Depends on the standard)

Customize the line up of reinforcement groups. Use the macros "$MARK for the reinforcement group mark and $NR for the number of reinforcement groups in the project.

$MARK, $NR pcs
GROUP_MARK_PREFIXControls the prefix for the naming of reinforcement groups.-
GROUP_OPENING_IN_RC_VIEWDecides if the reinforcement group shall be drawn in the main view or in the reinforcement view. The main view is default (0).0
GROUP_OPTIONS_MATERIALControls which materials that can be chosen as filling when drawing reinforcement groups0
GROUP_SECT_TEXT_STYLE Set the text style you want to use in the sectionsStandard
GROUP_SHOW_TEXT_IN_SECTIONSet it to 1 to show text in sections0
GROUP_VIEW_ADD_3DTurn 3D view on (1), off (0), the default value is off (0)0
GROUP_VIEW_DIM_ARROW_STIRRUPArrow dimension for the reinforcement group0
GROUP_VIEW_DIM_ARROW_STIRRUP_ROTATE_TEXTRotate the text of the arrow dimension for the reinforcement group, GROUP_VIEW_DIM_ARROW_STIRRUP needs to be set to 10
GROUP_VIEW_DIM_ARROW_STIRRUP_STYLEArrow dimension style for the reinforcement groupIMPACT28_ARROW
GROUP_VIEW_DIM_CONTINUOUS_STYLEDefines what dimension style should be set for the continuous measurement for the command "Line-up Reinforcement Groups"IMPACT28
GROUP_VIEW_DISPLAY_MODE_3DThe display mode for the bars in the 3D view with options 0 = "Wireframe", 1 = Show thickness, 2 = 3D (solid)0
GROUP_VIEW_GAP_COLUMNSSets the distance between the reinforcement group rows500
GROUP_VIEW_MAX_ROWSSets how many reinforcement groups are allowed in a rowNo limit of rows
GROUP_VIEW_MARK_TEXTThe name and/or description of the reinforcement group can be added to view 30/31$NR
GROUP_VIEW_PLACING_3DThe placing of the 3D view in relation to the main view with four options "Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom", default "Right" as is seen in the picture belowR
GROUP_VIEW_ROTATION_XYZ_3DThe view direction specified as three rotations around x,y,z axis from elevation view. The rotations are separated by “,” or “;”, the default value is "-35,-35,22"-35,-35,22
GROUP_VIEW_SECT_VIEW_RIGHT_TO_LEFTThe default value is "0" which means a view direction of left to right. To switch the view direction write the value 10

The naming of the sections (the text beside the section arrow).

GROUP_VIEW_SECTION_TITLEThe naming of the section title (the text below the section).$NAME
MEP_KEY_RECESS_CUTS_BARMESHSet if recesses in MEP-Keys should cut bar mesh (1 default) or not (0)1
MESH_NAMEThis variable automatically generates the mesh name based on the mesh settings.-
MTO_SUPPRESS_DEFINITIONSControls if the shape code should be written in front of the barmark in the table of reinforcement. When set to 1, it only shows the barmark/length of the bar0
GENERATE_BARMESH_WITH_ENTITYControls if the bar mesh shall be generated as a bar mesh with entity0
GROUP_STIRRUP_IN_RC_SCHEDULEControls if stirrups in reinforcement groups should be presented in the bar bending schedule 0
GROUP_VIEW_ELEV_TEXT_STYLEIs used to control which designation style should be used for the text in the elevation view for the Reinforcement groupSS
GROUP_VIEW_SECT_TEXT_STYLEIs used to control which designation style should be used for the text in the section view for the Reinforcement groupSS
GROUP_VIEW_SCALEControls the size of the reinforcement group view1
MESH_TEXT_LINEControls the text for the reinforcement mesh when either "Line" or "Box + Line" is selected in "Display as"$NR $NA
MESH_TEXT_SECTIONMesh label style for sections for walls and slabs$NR>1[$NR ]$NA
MESH_TEXT_SYMBOLControls the text for the symbol for reinforcement mesh when "Symbol" is selected in "Display as"$NR $NA
MTO_HIDE_BARSControls whether or not to display bars in the table of reinforcement0
MTO_HIDE_BENDED_MESHControls whether or not to display bended meshes in the table of reinforcement. MTO_HIDE_MESH is overwriting this variable0
MTO_HIDE_GROUP_BARSControls whether or not to display bars that are in a group in the table of reinforcement. MTO_HIDE_BARS is overwriting this variable0
MTO_HIDE_GROUP_STIRRUPSControls whether or not to display stirrups that are in a group in the table of reinforcement. MTO_HIDE_STIRRUPS is overwriting this variable0
MTO_HIDE_MESHControls whether or not to display meshes in the table of reinforcement0
MTO_HIDE_STIRRUPSControls whether or not to display stirrups in the table of reinforcement0
MTO_SHOW_BARMESHWith this variable, all bars belonging to the bar mesh will be specified in the table of reinforcement for both doublewalls and formslabs. This variable is overwritten by MTO_SHOW_BARMESH_DOUBLEWALL & MTO_SHOW_BARMESH_FORMSLAB0
RC_BEAM_COLUMN_IN_RC_VIEWDecides if reinforcement beams/columns shall be drawn in the main view or in the reinforcement view.0
RC_CIM_IN_RC_VIEWControls if reinforcement connected to CIM should be drawn in the main view or in the reinforcement view.1
RC_ENDCAP_IN_RC_VIEWControls if reinforcement connected to endcaps should be drawn in the main view or in the reinforcement view.1
RC_OPENING_JOIN_EQUAL_TOP_BOTTOMDetermines if top and bottom opening reinforcement should be drawn with element length if the element contains equal openings.
0 = not joined, 1 = joins top/bottom of equal openings.
RC_TABLE_SORT_ORDERMakes it possible to customize the sort order for the table of reinforcement$TYPE;$SHAPE;$TXT;$QLT;$DIM;$LEN
SHOW_AREA_MESH_IN_SOLID_VIEWControls if the reinforcement mesh should be drawn in the 3D solid in shop drawings0
SHOW_BARMESH_ENTITY_AT_PLOTTINGControls if barmesh entities are plotted (1) or not (0, default). GENERATE_BARMESH_WITH_ENTITY needs to be set to 10
SECTION_STIRRUP_TOWARDS_SYMBOL_SIZEControls the size of reinforcement stirrups in sections when faced towards3*drawing scale
SECTION_STIRRUP_TOWARDS_SYMBOL_TYPEControls the symbol for the reinforcement stirrups in sections when faced towards1
SECTION_STIRRUP_AWAY_SYMBOL_SIZEControls the size of reinforcement stirrups in sections when faced away3*drawing scale
SECTION_STIRRUP_AWAY_SYMBOL_TYPEControls the symbol for the reinforcement stirrups in sections when faced away2
SECTION_STRAIGHT_BAR_SYMBOL_TYPEControls the symbol for the straight reinforcement bar in sections2
SECTION_VIEW_CIM_TEXTControls if reinforcement (connected to CIMs) information is shown in sections.1
GROUP_MTO_PARTSControls if the bars and stirrups in a reinforcement group should be MTO in parts.0
AUTOCHECKRCPROPOSALA setting to make the RC box be manually checked in the "Batch Generate" dialog 1

Reinforcement variable to set if dimensions of middle straight bars in RC-group to show, where there are more than 4 bars in the group and the middle bar is off-center.

OVERRIDE_CIM_RCThe reinforcement location and the text connected to a cast in material can be saved and not redrawn every time. This is to make it possible to make adjustments for each case. 0
TEXT_GROUP_ARROW_SYMBOL_TYPEDecides how the arrow pointing on the reinforcement generated from the template proposal should look. There are 21 different symbols to choose between.0
TOWARDS_SYMBOL_SIZEControls the size of toward symbols for reinforcement groups and reinforcement columns/beams. Can also be seen in the reinforcement group view 303*drawing scale
GROUP_QUALITYThe length of the Reinforcement Group in the reinforcement table can be toggled off (no value) and on (default)L=$LEN


VariableShort descriptionDefault value
BAR_MESH_COVER_MOUNTPART_OPENING_DOUBLEWALL_PANEL2Overrides the cover in bar mesh of panel 2 for windows and doors with an end stop with production code “M”  for “Mountpart”30
BENDED_BARS_OPENINGS_DOUBLEWALLDecides if bended bars should be created around openings if the anchorage length is too short or just straight bars. The bars will stop with only the cover of concrete to the edge.1
MTO_SHOW_BARMESH_DOUBLEWALLWith this variable, all bars belonging to the bar mesh will be specified in the table of reinforcement. 0
NBR_OF_BARS_TO_KEEP_AT_DOORS_DOUBLEWALLSpecifies the number of bars of the bar mesh to keep (not cut) at the bottom of a door0
NBR_OF_BARS_TO_KEEP_AT_WINDOWS_DOUBLEWALLSpecifies the number of bars of the bar mesh to keep (not cut) at the side of a window0
RC_TABLE_SORT_ORDER_DOUBLEWALLMakes it possible to customize the sort order for the table of reinforcement$TYPE;$SHAPE;$TXT;$QLT;$DIM;$LEN
DEFAULT_QUALITY_DOUBLEWALLThe variable is used for setting the default quality to use for the
bars that automatically will be added around windows, doors, and holes in Double Walls.
DEFAULT_DIMENSION_DOUBLEWALLThe variable is used for setting the standard size of the bars that automatically will be added around windows, doors, and holes in Double Walls.12


VariableShort description Default value
SECTION_TEXT_STYLEControls the designation style for straight bars and stirrups in wall sectionsES
DWGSHOWCROSSMARKOPENINGSRCVIEWControls if cross markings are going to be drawn in RC view in the shop drawing1
Gives you the option to shop mesh description on the section in shop drawings1
WALL_RC_PROPOSAL_OPENING_DIAGONAL_TEXT_STYLEControls the text style for opening diagonal rebarsES
WALL_RC_PROPOSAL_STRAIGHT_BAR_TEXT_STYLEControls the default reinforcement text type for the reinforcement proposal for wallsES
WALL_SECTION_STIRRUP_SHOW_THICKNESSControls if the thickness of stirrups are shown in sections or not.0
WALL_SHAPE_AS_OPENING_RCDraw reinforcement proposal will draw opening reinforcement for "wall shape openings" if set to 1. Default 00


VariableShort descriptionDefault value
SECTION_TEXT_STYLEControls the designation style for straight bars and stirrups in solid slab sections0
SLAB_RC_PROPOSAL_STRAIGHT_BAR_TEXT_STYLEControls the default reinforcement text type for the reinforcement proposal for slabs. If omitted it defaults to "DEFAULT_TEXT_STYLE"ES
SLAB_SECTION_STIRRUP_SHOW_THICKNESSControls if the thickness of stirrups are shown in sections or not.0


VariableShort descriptionDefault value
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_COVERBar series bottom cover for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be active25
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_LONGITUDINAL_DIAMETERBar series bottom longitudinal diameter for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be active6
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_LONGITUDINAL_DISTANCE_CUTBar series bottom longitudinal distance cut for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be active25
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_LONGITUDINAL_PLACING_MAXBar series bottom longitudinal placing max for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be active50
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_LONGITUDINAL_PLACING_MINBar series bottom longitudinal placing min for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be active20
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_LONGITUDINAL_QUALITYBar series bottom longitudinal quality for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be activeB
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_LONGITUDINAL_SERIEBar series bottom longitudinal serie for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be active150;100
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_PLACINGSelects if the lower bars should be set to longitudinal or transversalLongitudinal
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_TRANSVERSAL_DIAMETERBar series bottom transversal diameter for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be active6
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_TRANSVERSAL_DISTANCE_CUTBar series bottom transversal distance cut for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be active25
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_TRANSVERSAL_PLACING_MAXBar series bottom transversal placing max for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be active50
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_TRANSVERSAL_PLACING_MINBar series bottom transversal placing min for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be active20
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_TRANSVERSAL_QUALITYBar series bottom transversal quality for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be activeB
BAR_SERIES_BOTTOM_TRANSVERSAL_SERIEBar series bottom transversal serie for the reinforcement bottom mesh. View 34 needs to be active150;100
BAR_SERIES_TOP_COVERBar series bottom cover for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be active25
BAR_SERIES_TOP_LONGITUDINAL_DIAMETERBar series top longitudinal diameter for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be active6
BAR_SERIES_TOP_LONGITUDINAL_DISTANCE_CUTBar series top longitudinal distance cut for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be active25
BAR_SERIES_TOP_LONGITUDINAL_PLACING_MAXBar series top longitudinal placing max for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be active50
BAR_SERIES_TOP_LONGITUDINAL_PLACING_MINBar series top longitudinal placing min for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be active20
BAR_SERIES_TOP_LONGITUDINAL_QUALITYBar series top longitudinal quality for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be activeB
BAR_SERIES_TOP_LONGITUDINAL_SERIEBar series top longitudinal serie for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be active150;100
BAR_SERIES_TOP_PLACINGSelects if the upper bars should be set to longitudinal or transversalLongitudinal
BAR_SERIES_TOP_TRANSVERSAL_DIAMETERBar series top transversal diameter for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be active6
BAR_SERIES_TOP_TRANSVERSAL_DISTANCE_CUTBar series top transversal distance cut for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be active25
BAR_SERIES_TOP_TRANSVERSAL_PLACING_MAXBar series top transversal placing max for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be active50
BAR_SERIES_TOP_TRANSVERSAL_PLACING_MINBar series top transversal placing min for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be active20
BAR_SERIES_TOP_TRANSVERSAL_QUALITYBar series top transversal quality for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be activeB
BAR_SERIES_TOP_TRANSVERSAL_SERIEBar series top transversal serie for the reinforcement top mesh. View 35 needs to be active150;100
FS_RC_PRIMARY_DIAMETER_LISTEither all the diameters can be shown (default) when "Minimum AS" is selected or just the ones that are defined in the variable. This applies to the primary reinforcement diameter list.0
FS_RC_SECONDARY_DIAMETER_LISTEither all the diameters can be shown (default) when "Minimum AS" is selected or just the ones that are defined in the variable. This applies to the secondary reinforcement diameter list.0
FORMSLAB_OVERLAP_GIRDER_LENGTHIf the length of the formslab is greater than the "Maximum length" of the lattice girder, the value defined with this variable will add an overlapping girder that will be placed to reinforce-
FORMSLAB_OVERLAP_SUPPORT_GIRDER_LENGTHIf the distance to the short side is greater than "Max distance to shortside", the value defined with this variable will add an overlapping girder that will be placed to reinforce1000
MTO_SHOW_BARMESH_FORMSLABWith this variable, all bars belonging to the bar mesh will be specified in the table of reinforcement0
MTO_SHOW_PRIMARY_SECONDARY_FORMSLABTo define if the primary and secondary bars should be in the reinforcement specification or not.1
RC_TABLE_SORT_ORDER_FORMSLABMakes it possible to customize the sort order for the table of reinforcement$TYPE;$SHAPE;$TXT;$QLT;$DIM;$LEN
SUPPRESS_CUTTING_BAR_FSIf it is set to 1 then the straight bars will not be cut for holes even if this is selected in the hole-menu. Default 00
FS_RC_OFFSET_DISTANCE_FROM_ENDSTOPMoves the closest reinforcement bar parallel with the edge of the FormSlab, a certain value specified if the edge has an endstop connected to it-
FS_TEXT_BAR_LENGTH_RC_VIEWThe variable controls if IMPACT will show mesh cut lengths/ straight bars in formslab shop drawings0


VariableShort descriptionDefault value
HCS_RECESS_BARAutomatic reinforcement if there is a recess that cuts away a piece that is 400 mm or larger than the width of the slab (calculated on the bottom width). "0" or "1" meaning Off or On0
HCS_RECESS_BAR_COVERThe cover of concrete can be set if there is a recess that cuts away a piece that is 400 mm or larger than the width of the slab (calculated on the bottom width)25
HCS_RECESS_BAR_DIAMETERThe steel diameter to use (needs to be defined in the drawing) if there is a recess that cuts away a piece that is 400 mm or larger of the width of the slab (calculated on the bottom width)10
HCS_RECESS_BAR_GRAPHIC_MEASUREThe added bar from a 400 mm recess automatically adapts and is shown smaller so it fits the width of the hollowcore if the length of the bar is larger than the width. The bar will still be counted as a "normal" length bar. "0" or "1" meaning Off or On1
HCS_RECESS_BAR_LENGTHThe length of the bar that will be added if there is a 400 mm or larger cutout than the width of the slab (needs to be defined in the drawing)-
HCS_RECESS_BAR_OFFSETOffset distance from recess to rebar if there is a 400 mm or larger cutout than the width of the slab200
HCS_RECESS_BAR_QUALITYThe steel quality to use (needs to be defined in the drawing) if there is a recess that cuts away a piece that is 400 mm or larger than the width of the slab (calculated on the bottom width)-


VariableShort descriptionDefault value
COLUMN_SECTION_STIRRUP_SHOW_THICKNESSControls if the thickness of stirrups are shown in sections or not.1


VariableShort descriptionDefault value
BEAM_SECTION_STIRRUP_SHOW_THICKNESSControls if the thickness of stirrups are shown in sections or not.1