Install web services for IMPACT 17

Last modified by Dennis Knudsen on 2023/09/18 08:41

The IMPACT Service Configuration is used to deploy the services on the server so the client computers can communicate with the IMPACT database. Its also used to migrate the IMPACT database when newer versions of IMPACT are released (Eg IMPACT 17).

Start by installing the Service Configuration from the StruSoft Installer. You can find the application through the filter in the IMPACT tab, select the Server 


Figure1: Service Configuration in Strusoft Installer

Please note! Service Configuration has dependencies and requires redistributables. If the server is waiting for a windows update, the installation of a new version of Service Configuration could result in a reboot of the server. Therefore, installs/updates of the tool should be carried out outside the working hours.

Using the Service Configuration to deploy the services

The Service Configuration will help you deploy (install) IMPACTs web services. In order to run the Service Configuration tool - Run the application as Admin. 

The first page that will show is the instructions - Click on "Instructions" to exit the information view.


Figure2: Instructions in Service Configuration

Creating a new Site & Application Package

Start by clicking on "New" to create a new site and give the site a name and an available port.


Figure 3: New site in Service Configuration


Figure 4: Creating a new site

When the site is created add an Application Package by clicking on Add - And give the Application Package a name (In this example IMPACT 17 Local.)


Figure 5: Creating a new Application Package.

Database Connection Settings

When the Application Package is created start by adding the "Database connection" information.


Figure 6: SQL Server name & SQL Database Instance in IMPACT Service Configuration

The SQL Server and SQL Database Instance can be found in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio on the server where the IMPACT Database is placed.

The server name is the name before the brackets. In this case PC07031-2017\SQL_DEV.


Figure 7: SQL Server name

The database is located under databases. In this case IMPACT_17.


Figure 8: SQL Database Instance

Migration System & WebAPI Credentials

The IMPACT Service Configuration needs to have two users in the SQL Server that are allowed to modify the IMPACT Database.


Figure 9: Migration System & WebAPI Credentials in IMPACT Server Configuration

The first user is called the "Migration User" and is used to migrate the IMPACT database to a newer version (Eg. IMPACT 16 to IMPACT 17) - More on Migration can be found here.

The second user is called the "IMPACT Service User" - This user is used to communicate with the IMPACT Database. The User Id & Password are created and found in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Right-click on Logins under Security and select New Login...


Figure 10: New Login.

Under the page General, you choose your Login name and your password. Box SQL Server authentication and unbox Enforce password policy.


Figure 11: New Login - General.

Under the page User Mapping, choose your database and box strusoftServiceRole.


Figure 12: New Login - User Mapping.

When both users have been added to the IMPACT Service Configuration - Click Test connection to make sure that the users can connect to the IMPACT Database.


Figure 13:Test connection in IMPACT Server Configuration

Web API and Migration System

Now when the connection to the Server Instance is established is it time to deploy the Web API. 

Note: Before it's possible to deploy the WebAPI should "Test Connection" be marked with a "Green Checkmark". If it's a Red X then will the "4 - Deploy be Grayed out".

If the IMPACT Database hasn't been migrated to IMPACT 17 then is it also needed to do a Migration of the IMPACT database. How to do the Migration can be found here.


Figure 14: WEB API Deployment in IMPACT Server Configuration

1) Start by marking the checkbox so the Service Configuration knows that it should deploy the newest Web API.

2) The Application Name is the name of the connection that should be added to the server connect to establish the connection between the client computer and the IMPACT Database. The name may not be the same as the Application Packages (In this example IMPACT 17 Local)

3) The API Key is set on the StruSoft Portal and managed by the "Customer Admin" of the company. Contact the "Customer Admin" to get the API Key.

4) Finish by clicking "Deploy" at the top.

NOTE: It's important to set up the Cloud Storage and Automatic Notification before deploying if this should be used.


Figure 15: Deployed Successfully in IMPACT Server Configuration

The Installed - Latest should now be the same version.


Figure 16: Installed - Latest in IMPACT Server Configuration

File Sync and Publish Cloud Storage

File Sync, Publish, Rejection and disorder use attachments. These attachments can be binary files (pictures, DWG files) or Zip files (Publish) - And will be stored on Cloud Storage.

The attachments can be saved on one of the following storage types:

- FTP (Read here to get mere information on how to set up an FTP Cloud storage)

- Amazon web Services

- Azure


Figure 17: File Sync & Publish Cloud Storage in IMPACT Server Configuration

Automatic Notification

To be able to use the Notification feature is it necessary to have a mail server configured. This needs to afterwords be filled into the Service Configuration.


Figure 18: Automatic Notificaiton in IMPACT Server Configuration