In IMPACT 16.0 the process of moving the PRE-Stress Calculation module from AutoCAD and into the Project Manager has been initiated. This means that calculations can be done on Hollowcore, Pre-Stressed Slabs, and Pre-Stressed Beams, all through the IMPACT Project Manager, linked to PRE-Stress.
This means that now all software that can correctly map to these element types will allow the element types to be calculated with the calculation connection, this covers the following software applications used with IMPACT.
- Tekla
- Revit
- AutoCAD
- BricsCAD
Module workflow
When the calculation module is turned on, and the latest version of PRE-Stress is installed, the calculation module can be used. (See the image on the top right of this article for "modules".)
Remember to go to "Home" and switch the element to "Calc" before beginning. This will allow you to see in colors if the element is "OK", or "not OK"
Calculate selected can be used to Calculate selected elements in the 3D model, or to calculate all Pre-stressed elements on a floor.
Report will take you to the Calculation Report tab in PM, where the selected elements will be shown, and a report can be printed.
In the settings tab, different standard settings can be configured, such as Eurocode, deflection limitation and how many calculation sections should be done.
Loads, Element Properties and External tools.
Currently, in version 1.0, Loads in the Calculation module (In PM) is limited to several Predefined loads. If detailed calculation needs to be done, selections can be opened and modified in PRE-Stress, and then imported back (External tools tab)
Concrete Quality needs to be set under Element properties.
Below you see an example of a single hollow-core being calculated. As mentioned, it is possible to calculate a selection, or a whole floor. It is also possible to export to PRE-Stress for detailed calculation, and then import results after.
Figure: Calculation module tab activated