Last modified by Theib Sawaf on 2024/06/18 08:06


IMPACT Go is a supplemental application to the IMPACT suite of Structural construction software. IMPACT is a family of BIM software that provides the necessary tools for the precast concrete industry to efficiently manage, design, produce, transport and erect prefabricated concrete elements. IMPACT Mobile enables tracking of element status with detailed information. Ability to scan QR codes to update the BIM database about element status.


What are the main features of IMPACT Go?

The main features of IMPACT Go are:

  • Using QR-codes or search to add Elements, Casts, Stacks or Transports to the main list.
  • Using QR-codes on shop drawings for quality control.
  • Using the added elements in the app and adding them to a storage location.
  • Searching for elements and viewing their status, setting element status.
  • Set Cast Units to status "Produced"
  • Set Transport status to "Call Off" or "Delivered"
  • Handle element controls in the IMPACT Element Control System
  • Adding pictures to disorders, this requires IMPACT FileSync to be configured on the application server


We have compiled some useful videos describing the use of the application:

  • A short introduction to IMPACT Go and the ECS (Element Control System).
  • Search element manually, showcases:
    • App installation from the google play store
    • Login to the security server
    • Element search and element information showcase
  • Scan element label QR-code, showcases:
    • Removing elements from the app
    • Printing element labels with QR-codes from the cast module
    • Using the app to scan a QR-code
    • Setting an element to a specific storage location
  • Scan storage QR-code, showcases:
    • IMPACT Resource Manager storage location overview
    • Printing storage location labels with QR-codes from the Resource Manager
    • Set an element to a storage location using the storage location QR-code
  • Scan Delivery Note QR-code, showcases:
    • IMPACT Project Manager transport planning
    • Printing delivery note with QR-codes
    • Setting the delivered elements to delivered
    • Editing an element and adding an element issue, a disorder in this case
    • Please note that the element with the issue is indicated with a triangle, both in the app and in the transport module
  • Scan Cast Unit QR-code, showcases:
    • IMPACT Project Manager cast planning
    • Printing a cast report with a QR-code
    • Scanning the cast report QR-code with the app
    • Setting the cast to Produced with the app and verifying the status within the Project Manager cast module

Release Time

After Q3 2020, IMPACT Go will be released two weeks later than Service Configuration and all other IMPACT applications. This is to ensure that our customers have time to update their service, which is often used by IMPACT Go. If your company takes more than two weeks to update the service, we recommend to disabled auto-update on your apps to avoid problems that can be time-consuming to solve. For Android, it is possible to disable auto-update for just IMPACT Go while using iPhone/iPad requires you to disable auto-update for all apps.


On Android, IMPACT Go 16/17 requires at least Android 8.0 (Android Level 26 - Oreo). The most recommended version to run on is Android 11.0 (API Level 30). For iOS, IMPACT Go 16 requires at least version 10.2. To run IMPACT Go it is also required to have IMPACT Service Configuration, version 16.0.048.

Apple Business Manager Account

To use IMPACT Go 17 on iPhone is it necessary to set up an Apple Business Manager Account on the company level. This account will manage the application keys for IMPACT Go 17. 

How to set up the Apple Business Manager Account and how to distribute the application keys to the iPhone can be found HERE

Android Digital Signature

To use IMPACT Go 17 on Android is it necessary to disable the certificate "Digital Signature Trust Co. - DST Root AC X3". This can be disabled in the Settings:

  • Go To "Settings > Security > Encryption & Credentials > Trusted Credentials"
  • Scroll down and disable ""Digital Signature Trust Co. - DST Root AC X3"

Services for the mobile

The preferred setup for using IMPACT Go is to set up an HTTPS connection. This requires the Web-API and OpenId-services to be HTTPS configured. This will allow the user to use the app with any internet connection, alleviating the need for a VPN connection to the services.

Required rights in User Admin

If a current or new user is starting usage of the IMPACT Go application, it is recommended to set up a new user role in IMPACT User Admin. This can be done in a few simple steps:

  1. Start User Admin (you need to be an administrator with the right to start this program).
  2. Go into the factory where the user is active.
  3. Add a user group to User Groups by clicking the "+"-sign, set Name: Mobile, Description: IMPACT Mobile user.
  4. Add a role under Roles by clicking the "+"-sign Name: Mobile, Description: IMPACT Mobile user
  5. Set permissions for the user role according to Figure 1.


Figure 1: Permissions in User Admin


It is possible to scan a QR code to fill in the URLs for Open Id and the Web-API. You can generate the QR code from Server Connect. The generated QR code will hold the same URLs as the Configuration you are logged into on Server Connect.


Figure 2: Server Connect, Generating QR code for IMPACT Go

When you open IMPACT Go and arrive at the login screen. Here you see the button "Scan". When clicking on it you will be able to scan the QR code. It can happen that the scanner will have a problem the first time if you are asked for permission. In that case, just go back and then click scan again. Please note that we recommend using the Google Chrome browser for this application and Safari for iPhone and iPad, make sure to set your default web browser for your phone or pad.

IMAPCT Go Login.png

Figure 3: Logging in with QR code

Company Id is the number that is unique for your company, you can find it in Resource Manager settings, Standard Admin, Report tool settings, and Cost Estimation settings besides the company name.

Mobile Secret is set in Service Configuration, keep in mind this is not the same secret as server connect requires.

Scanning QR-codes

With IMPACT Go you can scan QR-codes from different reports, click here to see all available QR-codes. You can scan using a camera or a scanner. If you have an internal scanner you need to go into settings and enable it. This will change so the camera is turned off when you go to scan a QR code, You can then turn it on and off. This is because some internal scanners use the same hardware as the camera, meaning you can't use the scanner when the camera is on.


Figure 4: Enabling Internal Scanner

In order to use any scanner, you need to set up the scanner to always return an enter press after each scan. As an example, for a Honeywell device, you'll need to set Suffix to \x0D.

For a Honeywell device, you also need to set the "Wedge Method" to "Keyboard" and wedge as key to "9,10,13".


Figure 5: Honeywell - Internal Scanner settings

If you like to use the scanner for logging in you will also need to disable "Launch Browser". However, since you need to activate the internal scanner, the first time you log in after installing the app you can only use the camera.

QR Size

We recommend using at least 2,5 x 2,5 cm for width and height. This should be increased depending on the distance you are scanning from and how much data there is in the QR code. A quick basic rule to follow is to calculate the size by taking the distance in cm and divide it by ten (size = distance / 10).

Element Control System

Element Control System is designed to check elements that are cast planned. With this system comes two new statuses, 35 - planned and approved, 45 produced and approved. With this system, you can add controls to an element. These controls are set up in RM under settings. To view the control for an element in IMPACT Go simply select an element (multiple elements are not allowed) and go to properties. There you have a new option.

IMPACT GO Element COntrol Button.png

Figure 6: Navigating to Element Controls

Main Controls

Once open you will see a list. Up in the right corner you can click on the plus sign to add a control to the element and click on the garbage can to remove the selected control. If you do not see any controls to add when you click on the plus sign that means no controls were found that can be added to this element type. On the bottom of the page you can save changes made to the controls or chose to see the "subcontrols", these are the simple and measured controls.

IMPACT Go Main Control.pngIMPACT Go Add Control.png

Figure 7 and 8: Adding controls

With the controls, it's also possible to add so-called Inspection Images which serve the purpose as a guarantee (picture proof) before checking the main control. Here it is possible to view or remove existing Inspection Images or choose to make a new one with the device camera. This can be located on the right side of the control (see figure).


Figure 9: Inspection Images


Figure 10: Inspection Images, Viewing

Sub controls (Simple and Measured checks)

Coming to the page for the "sub controls" you find a tab for simple checks and another for measured checks. Measured checks are more detailed, they may also have images connecting to them. If you go to measured check and scroll to the far right you will see a button for each control (assuming there are controls). Each button takes you to images that belong to that control.


Figure 11: Managing the controls

Input Verification

When searching for elements the user will now only be able to see the input that is currently available. This is due to that what only certain information can be used when searching for elements, such you cant search for specific element marks while also searching specific storage locations.

IMPACT Go 16 Search Validation 1.png  IMPACT Go 16 Search Validation 2.png  IMPACT Go 16 Search Validation 3.png

Figure 12, 13, and 14: Input validation when searching for elements

In this order, there have also been changes made to let the user know what is required to fill in to create a disorder or rejection. The images below show how the app displays the required fields.

IMPACT Go 16 Disorder Name Validation.png

IMPACT Go 16 Disorder Reason Validation.png

Figure 15 and 16: Input validation for creating disorder


Disorders can be described as events that occur that requires action to be taken in order to make the element to function as designed. For example, an element may be slightly damaged, but the damage is repairable. A disorder can then be created using IMPACT Go.

A disorder may contain the following:

  • Name
  • Deadline
  • Status
  • Description
  • Solution
  • Reason (required)
  • Sub-reason
  • Category
  • Assign to (required)
  • Issue cost
  • Issue time

Step by step on the mobile:

1. Mark the element that you want to create a disorder on, press the i-button (blue).


Figure 17: Elements.

2. Press issues.


Figure 18: Element Properties.

3. You are now in the issue dialogue space, select disorder, and press "+" to add a disorder.


Figure 19: Issue dialog.

4. Please fill in the fields (part 1)


Figure 20: Disorder dialog, creating a disorder.

5. Please fill in the fields (part 2)


Figure 21: Disorder dialog, showing necessary fields.

6. You can also press the camera symbol (upper right corner) and add photos. Press create to save the disorder.


Figure 22: Disorder dialog, adding pictures with the camera.

7. Please note that the element in the list now has a small triangle in its lower right corner, signifying that there is an issue with this element.


Figure 23: Disorder dialog, showing disorder on an element.

This is needed to do the first time using the app

Samsung Galaxy A71/How to Disable a Certificate

Find the certificate (i.e Digital Signature Trust Co - DST Root CA X3) in the security certificates list and disable it.

Setting/Biometrics and security/Other Security Settings/View Security certificates/Digital Signature Trust Co.



image (1).png

impact go.png

How to view security certificates on Samsung Galaxy A02
