The IMPACT Sync is a client console application that is used to integrate IMPACT with other ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems like MANTUM, SAP, etc.
IMPACT Sync Trigger
Normally IMPACT Sync is triggered by a scheduled task in MS Windows with a certain time interval.
Follow the instructions on this page to create a new task: IMPACT Sync Scheduled Task.
For test you can use a bat file that can be started manually as below:
Create a bat file, e.g. TransportCompanyExport_4.bat
Put the following inside the file (parameter 4 is used for transport export to transport company MANTUM):
"C:\Program Files\StruSoft\IMPACT 16\Sync\IMPACT Sync 16.0.exe" 4
IMPACT Sync Functions
Below are the functions implemented in IMPAC Sync
IMPACT Sync Function | Trigger Parameter | Format | Description |
1 | Text | One file type is exported | |
2 | Text | Three file types are exported | |
3 | XML | Import of prices. | |
4 | XML | One file type is exported | |
5 | XML | Creates/updates element marks based on imported xml file. | |
6 | Text | Obsolete. Used for cast planning in pallet factories. | |
7 | Text | Obsolete. Used for setting status of elements in pallet factories. | |
8 | Text | One file type is exported | |
9 | Carries out project cost calculations. | ||
12 | XML | Create's project based on given xml files. | |
13 | Text | Pallet planning. Two file types are exported | |
14 | Text | Pallet planning. Sets element status to Produced. | |
15 | Pallet planning. Moves unproduced elements to next working day. | ||
16 | Text | Reinforcement info. | |
21 | Text | ELiPLAN file import | |
22 | Text | ELiPLAN file export | |
Unitechnik Pallet Planning Export | 23 | Unitechnik | Pallet planning export in Unitechnik format. |
24 | XML | Transport export to transport company using StruSoft XML format. | |
Automatic notifications | 50 | Sends out the automatic e-mails with changes that the Notification system is using (IMPACT 17 and never versions) | |
Dan Element Export | 51 | Text | Dan Element file Export |
IMPACT Sync Installation Check List
IMPACT Sync Configuration File
The config file must be in the directory of the IMPACT Sync application with the name IMPACT Sync XX.0.exe.config (where XX is version number, e.g. 16)
Sync 16.0.exe.config_default
The file IMPACT Sync 16.0.exe.config_default and Sync 16.0.exe.config_default_EliPLAN contain default settings just to show how it works. They are not used by the IMPACT Sync. They are updated every time the IMPACT Sync is updated.
IMPACT Sync 16.0.exe.config
The file IMPACT Sync 16.0.exe.config however is the one that is used by the IMPACT Sync.
Note that this file is not overwritten when updating the IMPACT Sync.
IMPACT Sync Config File Contents
The IMPACT Sync config-file contains the following
Service addresses and service logging on info (WebApi, SecurityServer, UserName, Password, SecuritySecret)
ProductionCompanyId for STRUSOFT should be in the this format 1XXX
Destination directory and FTP logging on info (TransportCompanyDirectory, FtpUserName, FtpPassword)
CompanyIdentifier used in the XML element RegisteredByCompanyIdentifier
UseProjectInvoiceFactory if UseProjectInvoiceFactory is set to “YES”, 2 XML-elements are added to the Consignee element: ProjectManager, ProjectInvoiceFactory.Source of ProjectManager, ProjectInvoiceFactory is PM/Project properties (Description & Checked By) see the figure below.
Here is an example of the config file (IMPACT Sync 15.0.exe.config):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- WebApi Address -->
<add key="WebApi" value="http://localhost:81/STRUSOFTWebApi15/" />
<!-- Security -->
<add key="SecurityServer" value="http://localhost:81/STRUSOFTOpenIdServer15/" />
<add key="UserName" value="xxxxx" />
<add key="Password" value="yyyyyyy" />
<!-- Sync Secret -->
<add key="SecuritySecret" value="zzzzzz" />
<!-- Production Company Id, Skanska:1XXX, STRUSOFT:1XXX -->
<add key="ProductionCompanyId" value="1XXX" />
<!-- Transport Export to transport company (DHL, TRANSPORTCOMPANY, ...) -->
<!-- Destination directory, Eg: "C:\IMPACT\" or "" -->
<add key="TransportCompanyDirectory" value="" />
<!-- <add key="TransportCompanyDirectory" value="C:\IMPACT\StruSoft\TransportCompanyDelivery\Out" /> -->
<add key="FtpUserName" value="STRUSOFTPrefabTestUser" />
<add key="FtpPassword" value="STRUSOFTPrefab69741!" />
<add key="CompanyIdentifier" value="STRUSOFTPREFABAB"/>
<!-- UseProjectInvoiceFactory set to yes if you want ProjectManager and ProjectInvoiceFactory to added to Consignee element. -->
<add key="UseProjectInvoiceFactory" value="NO" />
<!-- UseVehicleName: set to yes if you want to append vehicle name defined in Recoure Manager/Settings/Transport Vehicles to PickUpInstructions after second comma -->
<!-- <PickUpInstructions>Lass nr 9, , Bygel 27 ton.TS</PickUpInstructions> -->
<add key="UseVehicleName" value="YES" />
<add key="FreightProductExternalCommunicationId" value="7301" />
<!-- Cost calculation filter: Limit calculation to certain standard(s) and project(s) -->
<add key="CostCalcFactory" value="" />
<add key="CostCalcProjectPrefix" value="P330" />
IMPACT Sync Monitoring
In the program Resource Manager/Setting/Message Log you can follow the IMPACT Sync functions triggered with different log info like errors, warnings or just information.
You also see the IMPACT Sync and WebApi versions used when starting a function.
Log File
The IMPACT Sync uses the log file defined in the config file. If nothing is defined then impact_sync_log.txt is used.
<!-- Logfile name -->
<add key="LOGFILENAME" value="IMPACT_sync_log.txt"/>
The file is saved under .\AppData\Roaming\StruSoft\IMPACT 15\Sync
To find the AppData directory, search for %AppData% in the Windows Explorer, see the figure below. Note that this directory is used for the currently logged on user of OS (Windows)!
IMPACT Sync logs information about the called function and version number.
Information is written to this file when communication with the service cannot be established due to missing critical data in the config file or any raised exception that cannot be written to the database..
Please note that the file is created automatically if it doesn't exist and information is continuously appended it.
The file may grow big after some time, so it is recommended to empty/move it another directory to boost system performance
Changes to the configuration to use IMPACT Sync 17
Nb! The Password for the account below can't include any special signs like % / etc as the file is read as special characters in the XML language and this file is an xml file.
In the Sync config file (IMPACT Sync 17.0.exe.config)
<add key="SecurityServer" value="http://localhost:81/ImpactOpenIdServer16/"/>
<add key="UserName" value="impactsync"/>
<add key="UserMail" value=""/>
<add key="Password" value="*****"/>
UserMail and Password is for a user that is created in StruSoft Portal.
You can't use &$*% in the password as they will make the XML to be corrupt.
In IMPACT User admin
Nb! The user for the IMPACT Sync must also be created in IMPACT User Admin as a System Administrator.