Transport Planning
Transports are project-centered entities, therefore, they must be created from the Project Manager. However, stacks and transports can be edited and elements can be added using the Resource Manager.
The Transport Planning module is where transports are planned and monitored. Transport planning does not require the use of stacks before planning the elements on transport. However, stacking elements before loading them onto a transport can have definite benefits in many cases.
Transport planning in Project Manager
Before the transport module can be used is it necessary to activate the module in Project manager. This is done under the tab “Modules”.
After activation of the module will the transport planning window be active. This window is divided into 2 or 3 areas (3 if “Use visual stack” is set to “Yes”):
- General transport information (1)
- Transport information (2)
- 3D Model of the transport and stack (3)
Auto Transport
General transport information
The General transport information contains the list of all the created transports on the selected factory in the open project. Besides showing all the general information about the transports is it also possible to set up different filters, settings for the 3D view, and create transports in this part of the transport module.
The following information columns for the stacks can be shown in the grid:
Check box – Shows a check box that makes it easier to make the transport.
Additional Item Count – The total count of additional items.
Additional Mass – The total mass of additional items.
Delivery Date – The date the transport is scheduled for delivery.
Description – The description of the transport.
Disorder Alert – Shows a warning triangle if the one or more elements have disorders.
Element Count – The total count of elements on the transport.
Is Joined – Shows if the transport is a joined transport.
Load Date – The date the elements should be loaded on the transport.
Load Location – Load location for the loading of the elements.
Mass – The total transport mass. (T)
Mismatch Alert – Shows a warning factory if the element and transport factory differ.
Production Alert – Shows a warning clock if the elements on the transport differ (Only shows when the status of the transport is Call-Off or On Waybill).
Project – The project name.
Project Title – The project title.
Stacks on Transport – Shows the stack numbers and the status color for the stacks.
Status – Shows the transport status - There are 5 different statuses.
- Preliminary
- Planned
- Call-Off
- On Waybill
- Delivered
Text 1 – A custom information field for the transport.
Text 2 – A custom information field for the transport.
Text 3 – A custom information field for the transport.
Text 4 – A custom information field for the transport.
Transport Factory – The factory the transport is attached to.
Transport Id – Unique id of the transport
Transport No. – The transport color and number (The elements on the transport can be shown in the model view with the specific color - For more information about this, click on this link).
Transport Export Check – This function shows detailed information about the transport. It also has a check which will write out if something is missing for example; Delivery address, delivery contact & project contacts.
Transport Company Export – Shows the status of the transport export to the transport company.
Green checkmark - Called off and exported
Red cross - Called off ut not exported
Nothing/blank - Not called off
Usage % – The total transport mass divided with the maximum transport mass.
Vehicle – The vehicles in the transport.
It’s possible to customize the layout of the columns and any column can be shown or hidden by right-clicking on the column header. In the right-click menu is it also possible to freeze the column layout, use “Freeze/unfreeze columns” to freeze/unfreeze all the columns to the left from the selected column. The frozen columns will be fixated when scrolling in the grid.
At the top of the general transport information are the following icons:
Refresh Data (1)
Refreshes the cells in the grid.
Filter (2)
Allows the user to set a filter for the grid.
Factory (3)
Set a filter for the selected factory – New stacks will be attached to the selected factory.
Auto transport (4)
Allows the user to plan multiple transports at the same time – The following settings should be set when using auto transport.
- Time Interval – Sets the time interval between the planned transports.
- Load Order – Defines the loading order of the elements on the transport.
- Use elements dates – Uses the elements planned delivery date as the delivery date for the transport.
- Reuse templates – Allows the IMPACT to reuse the selected templates if needed.
- Transport templates – Select the templates the element should be placed on.
The transport details are the associated transport information (Click on this link for a detailed description of the settings).
New Transport (5)
Creates a new transport without vehicles or stacks – The transports will have the associated transport information that is filled in transport details (Click on this link for a detailed description of the settings).
New Transport From Template(6)
Creates new transports based on the selected templates – The transports will have the associated transport information that is filled in transport details (Click on this link for a detailed description of the settings).
Delete transport (7)
Deletes the selected transports when the transports are deleted is it possible to keep or delete the stacks on the transport.
Drag and drop selected elements (8)
Show the user how many elements it’s possible to place on the transport – Elements that are already on a transport with now be counted in the selection. Use the square to drag and place the elements on a transport.
Detailed view settings (9)
It allows the user to set different settings for the 3D stack view.
Right-clicking on a transport gives the following options:
Change date – Changes the load- and delivery date a positive or negative amount of days.
Edit Transports – Changes the transport description and/or the load- and delivery date.
Edit Contacts – Add or edit the transport contact for the transport
Edit Delivery Address – Add or edit the delivery address for the transport
Adjust Transport Numbers – Edit the transport no. of the selected transports.
Set Status – Sets the transport status - There are 5 different statuses.
- Preliminary
- Planned
- Call-Off
- On Waybill
- Delivered
Export ERP – Updates the Unitechnik or AX exports with the transport number.
Print – Print a report of the transport – There are 6 different reports (Click on a report for a detailed description).
- Transport Planning
- Compact Transport Planning
- Transport Overview
- Transport Label
- Stack Label
- Transport Items
Properties/Additional Items – Allows the user to edit the transport details, transport delivery address & contact, Transport company. It's also possible to add additional items on the transport.
Copy with Header – Copies the fields with the header – This allows the user to insert the fields with a header into excel.
Copy – Copies the fields – This allows the user to insert the fields into excel.
Delete – Deletes the selected transports.
Transport information
The transport information area shows all the vehicles, stacks, and elements on the selected transport. Within this area is it possible to add vehicles, stacks and elements – and also modify the placement (stack layer) of the elements no matter if “Use visual stack” is “Yes” or “No”.
The following information columns for the transport can be shown in the grid:
Stack Layer No – Shows the layer placement of the element – Each stack/rack type have its own layer definition (See the different stack/rack type for more information about layer placement)
Stack Sequence No – The sequence of the elements should be placed on the stack.
Element Mark – Element mark of the elements on the stack.
Element ID – Element ID of the elements on the stack.
Erection Sequence No – The element erection sequence.
Length – Element Length.
Width – Element Width.
Height – Element Height.
Mass – Element Mass.
Status – Element status
Factory – The factory where the element is produced
Division – The division where the element is produced
Project – The project name of the project the element attached to.
Storage Location – The storage location for the element.
Disorder Count – Shows the numbers of disorders for the elements.
Planned Production Date – Shows the planned production date for the elements.
Remark – Shows the remark for the elements.
Note - Shows the note for the elements.
Just like the General stack information columns is it possible to customize the layout of the grid.
The icons at the top allow the user to modify the elements on the stack:
Transport no. and count (1)
Shows the transport number of the selected transport and the total amount of transports in the general transport information grid.
Merge stack layers (2)
Merges the stack layers of the selected elements.
Grid/3D View - Before the merge layers.
Grid/3D View - After the merge layers:
Split stack layers (3)
Split the stack layer of the selected elements.
Grid/3D View - Before the split layers:
Grid/3D View - After the split layers:
Move selected element one layer up (4)
Increasing the stack layer, no by 1 on the selected element
Grid/3D View - Before moving the element one layer op:
Grid/3D View - After moving the element one layer op:
Move selected element one layer down (5)
Decreasing the stack layer, no by 1 on the selected element
Grid/3D View - Before moving the element one layer down:
Grid/3D View - After moving the element one layer down:
Recalculate element placement (6)
Recalculates the placement of the elements in the 3D view. The recalculated placement is based on the X, Y, Z tolerances for the stack. This icon is only used if “Use visual stack” is “Yes” (The elements can only be manually moved on the stack in the stack module).
Before recalculation:
After recalculation:
Add vehicle (7)
Adds a vehicle to the transport
Add stack (8)
Adds a stack to the selected vehicle – The stack setting can either be based on a stack template or be manually defined (Click on this link for more information about stack template).
Edit stack (9)
Allows the user to edit the selected stack.
Insert elements (10)
Inserts the selected elements into the stack.
Move selected elements up (11)
Increasing the stack layer- AND Stack sequence no by 1 on the selected element
Grid/3D - Before moving the element one layer up:
Grid/3D View - After moving the element one layer up:
Move selected elements down (12)
Decreasing the stack layer- AND Stack sequence no by 1 on the selected element
Grid/3D - Before moving the element one layer down:
Grid/3D - After moving the element one layer down:
Cut selected elements (13)
Allow the user to cut the selected elements between stacks.
Paste (15)
Paste selected elements or stacks into the selected transport/Vehicle.
Delete selected elements (15)
Deletes the selected elements from the stack.
3D Model of the transport and stack
This area shows a 3D model of the vehicle, stacks, and the elements on the selected vehicle. In the 3D view is it possible to move the stacks manually by drag and drop – This makes it possible to find tune the placement of the stacks on the vehicle.
The 3D view also shows the calculated center of gravity for the vehicle and calculates the axle pressure. The axle pressure checks will show if axles/pin can carry the load – If the load is too big then will the axle check be shown in red as a warning.
For a video presentation of the Visual transport & stack module – Click on the link below to open a webinar about the visual transport & stack module.
Transport Planning Access Rights
Function | Permission | Description |
Auto Transport | Access all divisions or the specific division | |
Edit Transport | Access all divisions or the specific division | |
Delete Transport | Access all divisions or the specific division | |
Create Rejection | Access all divisions or the specific division |
Transport Planning Alerts
The Transport Planning module shows the following alerts (warnings) in the transport list.
Alert | Description | Comment |
Production | When an element is not produced yet but transport status is set to one of the following (CallOff, OnWaybill, Delivered) | Shows both an icon and bold text |
Factory Mismatch | When element planned production factory is different from the transport factory | Shows an icon |
Disorder | When an element has a disorder | Shows an icon |
Rejection | When an element is rejected | Shows an icon |
Transport Planning Advanced Selection
When using the transport planning module under Project Manager it is possible to select elements from multiple transports.
Here is how to do that:
1. Select the first transport on the left grid and select elements on the right grid
2. Select another transport from the grid on the left side, press the control button and select element(s) on the right grid
3. You can repeat point 2 if needed.
4. Pay attention to the view model. It should show selected elements from multiple transports!
Note that the selection logic applies only to elements that are part of the currently opened project in PM.
Functions like Delete and Cut on the element grid (the right side) work as usual on the currently selected transport only.
This feature can be helpful for assembly managers to focus on erection planning in the view model and see if any elements are missing.