Easy way to pick strand positions in Hollow Core definition settings

Last modified by Catalin Turluc on 2022/08/01 14:42

Easy way to pick strand positions in Hollow core settings

In IMPACT 17 for Revit, a new easier way to pick strand positions in Hollow core settings is now available. It is now possible to pick the strand positions in Hollow core settings from a Revit drawing.

HC - strands tab in Hollow core definition.png

Figure 1 - Strand tab in Hollow core definition

When picking strands positions from a Revit drawing, the Hollow core profile must be drawn in advance. To draw the Hollow core profile, press the "Draw Section profile" button and place the profile into the Revit drawing.

The profile of the Hollow core is now drawn but already exiting strands from the Hollow core definition are missing from the profile. Insert the existing strands from the Hollow core definition by clicking on the "Select strands button". It is important to pick the origin point of the Hollow core profile when inserting the strands so that their position matches with the Hollow core definition. User, can add more more strands to the Hollow core profile by picking their position in the Revit drawing and finish the command by pressing "ESC" button. 

HC - select strand position from Revit drawing.gif

Figure 2 - Adding strands to the Hollow core profile from Revit drawing