Edit column command

Last modified by Catalin Turluc on 2022/08/02 15:48

Edit column command

There is a new command available in IMPACT 17 for Revit called "Edit column", which allows the user to edit single or multiple columns at the same time and can be found under the Column module. 

Edit column in IMPACT 17 Revit.png

Figure 1 - Edit column command in IMPACT 17 for Revit

Edit column dialogue window

Edit column dialogue window.png

Figure 2 - Edit column dialogue window

General tab

Element mark - shows the element mark of the element after saving it. If the element is not saved then it will be shown as "UNMARKED"

Section type - shows the column section type of the edited element

Section - shows the IMPACT column definition that is used

Length - displays the length of the drawn column 

Width - indicates the width of the column 

Height - indicates the depth of the column 

Total (LxWxH) - indicates the total length, width and height of the column. By pressing the three dots option (...), IMPACT Revit provides some additional options where user can make setting for the column extents. These extents values are reflected in Project Manager 

Edit column - element extens.png

Figure 3 - Element extents dialogue window in Edit column command

Ridge setting - not used, will be removed

Ridge distance - not used, will be removed

Mass - indicates the mass of the column 

Lift selection - indicates the lift settings selection of the column. Here are two options, by section or by user. 

Lift type - indicates the lift type inserted in column 

Name - shows the name of the lift definition

Side - indicates the side where the lift is inserted

Lift hole dist. from top - indicates the distance  of the lift hole from top of the column 


In IMPACT 17 for Revit, when editing the column, there is also the possibility to create a column section. 

Edit column - sections.png

Figure 4 - Sections tab in Edit column command

Section type - indicates the section type of the column, in this case rectangular

Section - indicates the IMPACT column definition that is used

Length - indicates the length of the column 

Width - indicates the width of the column 

Height - indicates the depth of the column