Customizable grid layouts

Last modified by Oskar Kristinsson on 2023/08/23 15:46

The layout of a grid (table) can be saved to the database and reapplied whenever needed.

Supported grids

  • Project Manager - Element id
  • Resource Manager - Element id
  • Cost Estimation - Element id

Save a layout

Save a layout by right-clicking on a table header and select "Save Grid Layout". 
Column width, position, and visibility will be stored along with the position of the frozen column splitter. 


Type in a name for the layout (1). If you have system admin privileges, you may also share this layout with other users within the same company by marking the checkbox (2).


Apply, rename or delete a layout

Apply, rename or delete a saved layout by selecting any of the three options in the context menu. Shared layouts can only be renamed or deleted by system administrators.
