3D view of reinforcement group drawing view

Last modified by Adam Carlson on 2021/06/30 14:55

For the reinforcement group drawing view (View 30) you now have the possibility to add a 3D view of your reinforcement groups.

The 3D view is controlled by the following reinforcement settings in Standard Admin:


Turn 3D view on (1), off (0), the default value is off (0).


The placing of the 3D view in relation to the main view with four options "Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom", default "Right" as is seen in the picture below.


The view direction specified as three rotations around x,y,z axis from elevation view. The rotations are separated by “,” or “;”, the default value is "-35,-35,22" which seems to work quite well.


The display mode for the bars in the 3D view with options 0 = "Wireframe", 1 = Show thickness, 2 = 3D (solid).
