Insert/Update lift

Last modified by Catalin Turluc on 2023/02/24 15:55


Insert/Update Lift command is a tool in IMPACT for Revit which allows the user to control and update the lifts in the precast elements. Depending on the selected element type, the Insert/Update Lift command will display different data in the dialogue window.

Insert Update lift command in IMPACT.png

Figure 1 - Insert/Update Lift command in IMPACT for Revit

Insert/Update lift for walls

In IMPACT 17 for Revit, we added a new check box called "Insert/Update" in Insert/Update lift command for Lift top edge, Lift other sides and Bracings which helps to control what needs to be inserted/updated. 

Checkbox in Insert.update lift.png

Figure 2 - Insert/Update checkbox in Insert/Update lift command

This new feature is very helpful when user wants for example Insert/Update Lifts for other edge but in the same time wants to keep the existing Bracing and Lift on top. 

Checkbox - Insert.Update lift for wall.gif

Figure 3 - Inserting Other edge lifts and keeping the existing bracing and Top lift

Insert/Update lift for Hollow Core

In the Insert/Update Lift for Hollow core dialogue window, the user can find information about the element weight, lift points, lift type and family, placement of lifts and cores. The Insert/Update command for Hollow core allows the user to override the element family settings in the model for the above-mentioned data. 

Insert Update Lift command for Hollow core.png

 Figure 4 - Insert/Update Lift for Hollow core dialogue window 

In Insert/Update Lift for Hollow core command, it is now possible to specify the core number where the lifts should be placed. Once the element has been selected, the Insert/Update for Hollow core dialogue window displays also information about the available cores. 

In order to be able to specify the core number, first, the user must activate the override family settings option. After this is done, the cores numbers where the lifts should be placed can be specified and inserted. 

Insert Update Lift command cores.png

Figure 5 - Core numbers where the lifts should be inserted 

The Insert/Update lift for Hollow core dialogue window displays information about the existing cores inserted in the element and allows the user to update it. 

Insert Update lift command actual cores.png

Figure 6 - Existing cores inserted in the element 

When the user inserts a core number that is unavailable then a message pops up informing to enter another value. 

Insert update lift command message.png

Figure 7 - Core number unavailable warning message

The Insert/Update for Hollow core command gives also the possibility to the user to specify the core number where the lifts should be inserted for multiple elements. If the core number differs from element to element, then the core number and available core will be shown as "<varies>". 

Insert update lift command cores varies.png

Figure 8 - Core number and available core number varies