Lift insertion

Last modified by superadmin on 2021/05/04 17:28


In the latest version of IMPACT for Revit, we have removed the settings for automatic lift insertion from the IMPACT Project Settings. 

Wiki - automatic lift old.png

Figure 1 - Showing the automatic lift insertion settings which have been removed

How it works

In the latest version of IMPACT for Revit, if the user has made the settings for Lifts in Family or Element definition, then the lifts will be automatically inserted when drawing the element. The rule applies to the following elements: Beams, Prestressed Beams, Columns, Solid Walls, Sandwich walls, Insulated walls, Double walls, Solid Slabs, Form slabs and Prestressed Form Slabs. 

In the following pictures below, are shown two examples of the lift settings - one for the family and one for element definition 

WIKI - beam lift settings.png

Figure 2 - Lift settings in families

WIKI - wall definition - lifts.png

Figure 3 - Lift settings in definitions

Exception from the above-mentioned rule will be for the Hollow core and Prestressed slab elements, where the user has the option to select if the lifts will be inserted "Always" or "Manually". 


Figure 4 - Lift settings in Hollow Core family 

WIKI - prestressed slab lift settings.png

Figure 5 - Lift settings in Prestressed slab definition